
What has happened to Obama ?

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It has been amazing how so many have talked about Obama for months, and now the focus has shifted to this hurricane situation and McCain. What do you think has happened and why?




  1. Are you really that selfish? Sorry, I think a natural disaster may be a tad more important than a Junior Senator.

  2. Because people are realizing that Obama is a has been and we dont care about him anymore. He is realizing that there are other candidates out there who are powerful and that even the weather is more interesting than he is.  

  3. Not even much news on McCain right now with the hurricane. The GOP convention is pretty much a wash. Palin is the main story and really it isn't that much favorable press on McCain. Obama is smart to just make a couple  comments congratulating her on the pick and then letting the whole thing blow up. Obama is  also fundraising for the hurricane and has stepped down the campaign.

    It is just in the blogs and places like here that you hear much about anything other than the hurricane.  

  4. ??????

  5. The Hurricane, Palin's daugther and unfortunately, the Republican Convention....Pretty simple....Nothing happen to Obama...Vote for Obama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. because Palin is the big surprise now... and with her daughter pregnant, Republicans became a tabloid.

  7. because many people are still surprised that McCain picked Palin

  8. During the Democratic primary, McCain and the Republicans laid low, b/c Obama and Hillary were battling it out. Now that the race has focused on just the Obama and McCain camps, Obama is not as newsworthy... McCain and his constant changing of opinions (which is labeled as flip-flopping in the political world), and the impeding hurricane that can possibly be as politically sensational as Katrina was - all eyes are focused on the next big story.  

  9. People have talked about Obama so much that now they have nothing to talk about.

    the hurricane is a huge problem, just to let you know.

    I live in Florida, and there are four major storms headed for us as we speak (or type, really).

    McCain also is having a woman VP, which was a HUGE shock to everyone, no matter the political party.  

    Obama isn't interesting anymore, thank goodness.

  10. Obama and Biden were on 60 Minutes last night.  They are on a bus tour crossing America campaigning.  At this particular time the Hurricane has been big time in the news because we all remember Katrina and the other news has been Governor Sarah Palin's daughter, Bristol, 17, unmarried and pregnant.  But Obama came out with a statement that showed a lot of character.  He said personal family problems, especially involving the candidates children, should not be a part of any campaign.  I gain more respect for the man every day.  His character on that matter was impeccable.

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