
What has happened to horrors?!?

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Compare old days with 21cnt horrors...

I can still remember Freddy Kruger! THIS is what you call a horror.

Nowdays, horrors are freaking culinaire programs 'How to peel someone's skin off without damiging the flesh' or 'Today, we are going to cook Mexican female leg in a gruesome way!'... They only show some psychopaths running around torturing people and trying to kill them by slow pain -.-

The only 'new' horrors that I still can watch are:

'Creep' (yeah, got 1 torture short scene)

'The Ring' (both parts)

'The Hottie and the Nottie' (please... Paris Hilton is my worse nightmare. If I woke up at night, and saw her holding a mascara, I would die.)

What are your faves, and don't you want old horrors back? If yes/no why?




  1. Horror movies with the psychos in them like Freddy Kruger don't scare me, but movies like Saw do because I can't handle watching extreme gore, no matter if it's real or fake.

  2. I LOVE 28 weeks later. I don't know if it is considered more horror or thriller but I SO reccomend you see it. I was crying for days becuase it made me so scared. I know it seems weird that I love it but the whole storyline was just awesome. There was a first one called 28 days later, also. I also like both of "The Ring" movies. Although, whenever my tv screen goes static, I'm scared a little girl will come kill me. The most recent scary movie I've seen is The Grudge 2. I haven't see the first one... But that one was just on tv. I'm always scared of dark places in my house now. >>; I've seen the messengers but that wasn't too scary. And--THE AMITYVILLE HORROR!!! :DDDD I LOVE THAT ONE.

    Anyways... I haven't seen many older ones but I know my lover is like you. She loves the older ones. Like... Freddy, Jason, Candyman, etc.

  3. i like old ones2 but disturbia was rele cool : ]

  4. I'm fourteen so, I don't think I've watched many old horror films, but I remember Dracula. The one with Christopher Lee in it. That was good, and hardly gory at all. wasn't terribly scary either....

    I like the movie The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. That was excellent and VERY scary. =D

    I also like When a Stranger Calls. I'll never babysit in a big house. Ever.

    I like the psychological stuff better than the gory stuff. If I wanted a gory movie I'd just go get a war movie, like The Patriot.

  5. I like the kind of horror movies that have a guy running around in a mask killing people like Scream, Halloween, Valentine, you know stuff like that. But I also like movies like Saw, just not as much as the horror movies like the ones I listed before. Sometimes seeing people in pain creeps me out. It would be nice to see some old fashioned horrors again, but the new ones are good too.

  6. Ughhh I hate horror movies. Most of them are so stupid. The only horror I've ever watched was the first 40 minutes of The Messengers. It was really dumb but still freaked me out. But judging from commercials, all horrors out today are just stupid ones where ghosts or psychos torture and kill people.

    I'd much rather have a thriller or adventure movie any day.

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