
What has happened to society?

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Do people not love to think anymore? What happened to great comedy? Now its all slapstick and sexual humor...that's not funny that's gross! Everything is about shock value now, even art and writing. Everything I love is falling to pieces...I can't even respect people in these fields anymore. No one loves to be subtle one wants to think or figure things out for themselves...I wish it would come back. I want to write, I want to paint, I want to act but I no longer respect these fields! Do you want to know why everyone loves Heath Ledger's Joker? Its because Heath had master the art of subtleties, he made the things that made Joker insane that over all you got a horrifying picture. I tell you art is no longer tasteful...I wish to bring it back...I want to respect my great love agian.





  2. You're asking what has happened to society on a forum (of sorts) where people ask total strangers questions regarding a possible divorce, their period, their level of attractiveness and golly, don't you just love the Jonas Brothers.

    Society is already around the bend.

  3. Sad ain't it...I find myself thinking the same thoughts a lot. Is it me or is America getting more stupid as the days go on? haha...

    And yes, those subtle things that Heath Ledger did really set him apart from other actors. He was certainly brilliant and such a good soul. Why did death take *him* of all people when there are so many horrible and immoral people that deserve it? But who am I to question this?  

  4. The liberal movement in this country and in other countries, UK for example, have ruined our society.  See how they acted with Clinton's indiscretion?  Now see how they are acting with Edwards?  They want no one to have to answer for themselves. They want the rest of us to support the lazy. They want to tax us into a corner. They want it to be ok for other races to attack whites as well. They want destroy our country.

  5. Alright careful on the anties...pmsl.

  6. why don't you bring it back ? seriously , you sound very passionate and creative , give it ago !  

  7. What, you've never seen Flight of the Conchords?  The Office?  The Simpsons?  Comic genius.  Also, you should read anything by Krakauer.  Great stuff.

  8. I agree about humor; the last really funny TV sitcom I saw was Roseanne; the last truly brilliant comedic genius was Richard Pryor, and today, we have some but not as many as we had a few decades ago. And TV today totally sucks except for re runs.

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