
What has happened to the UK??

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Not advocating such behaviour, but in the UK U can now get 14 yrs imprisonment 4 murder if U kill someone while being on the phone while driving. On that logic, if I was a teenager, carrying a knife & hightened the risk of stabbing someone that would make me a motorist? Truly what is the actual (%) of such cases? (taking nothing away of the tradegy that has happened for a select few.) But why is the UK in such a mess? The majority of people here are educated, why does Authority treat 'THE PEOPLE' like uneducated peasants from the 1940's who were made foul 2 the evils of the n**i regieme. All these such BILLS show is a crumbling system, that is quite obviously losing a war, fuelled by a uncontrollable media. Advertising they truly are losing the war due 2 ridicolus shock tactics that obviously do not have the resources 2 manage. What actually R these deeper ills that is supposedly seen as wrong with the social make up of general soceity the UK Authorities R lead to believe are there?




  1. Sounds just like the US.

  2. And so say all of us

  3. The "Freemasons" The "Brotherhood of Death"

    It is a secret society, because you do not know who members are and what they plan to do. They do not give much to charity because their charity is their own members.

    They look after their own, any child needs life saving surgery the fraternity pays for it.

    It is corrupt they own the federal bank and the bank of England, they print money out of nothing and it is not regulated. They include the Rothschild’s, Morgan’s and the Rockefellers. Blair and bush are high ranking masons; Blair is a 7th degree mason. There are two factions of the free masons originating in the UK the York right and the Scottish right. Masons from York went and build major buildings in New York including the statue of Liberty, the moved from York England and build a city in America and called it the New York. Washington including the Whitehouse was build by freemasons from Edinburgh Scotland.

    The free masons control the economic order of the world and it is they who are creating the economic fall at present. Money means nothing to them as they have too much; it’s about power for them and the games they play with us. We are their monopoly board and we are expendable. Their plan is to reduce the population by 85% through war disease and ill health

    Dr Gallo (Go to you tube and type in his name) was funded in the 1960's by the US government to produce a deadly virus to reduce the black population in America. All the vaccines for Aids contain the aids virus and mercury. All vaccines for children and the flu bug contain the 2d most deadly poison on earth MERCURY. They put fluoride in our water which destroys the thyroid gland and leads to cancer. They put cancerous chemicals in our processed foods and poison the air over our cities. There is a cure for cancer but they will not tell you because the pharmaceutical companies are owned by them, they and cancer are the biggest money making rackets after war and oil. All cancer is, is a vitamin deficiency of B17 and vitamin D which creates a strong immune system fighting cancer.

    The Rothschild’s were the largest and richest land owners in the UK during the Napoleonic war. When Britain defeated France at Waterloo Rothschild was the first person to be informed. So he went to the stock market and sold all his property. Other wealthy owns watched Rothschild selling all that he owned so the quickly followed suit thinking that they had lost the war to France. When they did Rothschild bought everything back and more and huge discounts. Forget the wealthy Arab prince's the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s have far more wealth and one time they owned two thirds of the world!

    Masonic Entered Apprentice Oath.  Entered Apprentice is the first of the three basic degrees of Masonry.

    To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut across, my tongue torn out, and with my body buried in the sands of the sea at low-water mark, where the tide ebbs and flows twice in twenty-four hours, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of an Entered Apprentice.  So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.

    Masonic FellowCraft Oath.  FellowCraft is the second of the three basic degrees of Masonry.

    To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart and vitals taken thence, and with my body given as a prey to the vultures of the air, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of a Fellow Craft. So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.

    Masonic Master Mason’s Oath.  Master Mason is the third of the three basic degrees of Masonry.

    To all of which I do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, without any hesitation, mental reservation, or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken thence, and with my body burned to ashes, and the ashes thereof scattered to the four winds of Heaven, that there might remain neither track, trace nor remembrance among man or Masons of so vile and perjured a wretch as I should be, should I ever knowingly or willfully violate this, my solemn Obligation of a Master Mason. So help me God and make me steadfast to keep and perform the same.


  4. Nu labour!!

  5. Don't drive while on the telephone and don't let the media steer you into their agenda and you did your part to help the situation

  6. Wow !  Hope you felt better after getting that lot off your chest!

    Not sure where you are going with the n**i reference but generally think I can see what you are upset about.

    Basically as someone else quoted already  "The law is an ***".

  7. Not 14 years and if you talking or texting on your phone while driving and kill a child ....YOU DESERVE 14 years

  8. It's all very well sending people to prison for 50 years but the prisons are so expensive we're the ones who would suffer.  I agree that all criminals should be sent to prison but if there are more of them in there with tougher sentances we are going to need to look at a way of affording this without passing the cost onto the law abiding members of public.  Maybe the prison service could look at some ways of saving money by limiting their playstation usage?  These places are meant to be a punishment, a place for time of reflect not somewhere to socialise, be educated and pass time till they can be released to offend again.  I'm sick of the words 'rights' and 'entitled' being thrown around by people that contribute nothing to the country, you are entitled to money if you work for it, entitled to children if you can afford them and have rights to walk the streets when you can live your life with detrimental affect to everyone around you.

  9. Yes the situation in the UK has become so bad but me must not be tempted by the far right political parties such as the BNP they do not hold the answer for their policies effect eveyone not just criminals,

    As a true socialist myself I firmly believe in social justice and equality for all

    The UK`s legal and criminal justice system is in tatters people getting away with murder and serving just 14 years is madness

    people who take another persons life should serve life with a minimum of 50 years without early release thats a life sentence not 10 or 15 years

    rape should be 20 years in prison solid without early release posession of a bladed object in public should carry a 6 year prison sentence and causing harm with a bladed object should be 12 years in prison

    national sevice should be brought in for teens under 18 who have had at least one coviction for any offence to teach them a lession

  10. The UK has fallen to pieces because of soft attitudes to criminals and the punishment they receive.

    I think it is right that if you kill someone because you are messing about with the 'phone that you should spend a lot of time in jail.  I also think that if you are carrying a knife that you should be jailed, and that jail sentence should concentrate on punishment, no rehabilitation...

    We need to punish more people, maybe that will deter others from doing these stupid things...

  11. Well, FIRST of all, there is NO United Kingdom!!!!

    England ceased to have a monarchy in 1824 when after six-hundred bloody years of trying to break the wings of the monarchy in England, Parliament finally had the guts to pass laws OVER King George, prohibiting him from sending British troops overseas to foreign lands without the permission of Parliament!  That effectively ended the monarchy, because monarchs do not obey law, they are the law, written or unwritten.  The very definition of a monarchy is that a monarchy owns all of the people and everything in the realm as his or her private property, which means that a monarchy is not a form of government, it is ownership of a people!

    So okay.actually, I can see what you are saying even if your grammar is not good.  And you are throwing in a whole tantrum of other epithets.

    The governments are trying to prohibit cellular telephone usage while driving because they are so dangerous.  I think I have to agree with them.

    When I was driving semi-trucks, I learned immediately when the cell-phones first came out that the cellular telephone drags you mentally into the cell-phone as you talk.  The reason is simple, the person you are talking to becomes much more presently "real" in your mind through the cell-phone, because you have unlimited conversation transactions that concentrates your awareness INTO the cellular telephone and away from your driving.

    That never happened with two-way radios.  With a radio, you MUST wait for the other person to complete his or her conversation and to "key off" (release the transmit button) before you can talk back to that other person.  One transmission cancels out the other while at the same time, you cannot hear anything on the radio while you are transmitting.  So when using a radio, your mind does not gravitate down into the hand-set the way that cell phones do, and taking your consciousness away from your driving in the way that cell-phones do.

    When I was driving semi-trucks, after I discovered this with myself, a licensed amateur radio operator, then I told my employer to use my alpha-numeric pager to contact me, not to use the cell-phone, and when I would get into a situation where I could park and call in using their cell-phone, I would do so.  They did not like that, but I always turned my cell-phone off while I was driving, and there was nothing they could do!

    If a person is so irresponsible as to do anything that will take their congnizance AWAY from their driving for ANY reason, whether by being under the influence of some drug or alcohol, or using a cell-phone, and in their mental incapacitation they should KILL someone else for their irresponsible use of their cell-phone, I think that warrants a murder charge.  I really do, and I am a Green Party member!

    People need to GROW UP and stop using the cell-phone as a mental-telepathy device!  People are now talking on their cellular telephones all the time, while walking on the sidewalk, riding the bus and talking personal information that no one else should know, It reminds me of the cell-phone advertisement beside the freewway that said: "For some, instant gratification takes too long."  I think that slogan tells the story all too well about dangerous cell-phone use while driving.

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