
What has happened to the nice welsh people

by Guest21446  |  earlier

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just got back from a long weekend away with my family to south wales, just outside of Cardiff

I seen a wall with the writeing Twll dîn pob Sais in spray paint. I know what that means and it ain't pretty.

and my cousen lives in scotland and she came with us, and we went into a cafe and this couple were talking in welsh - i don't have a problem with the welsh specking their own langrage - but they were looking over at us and when my cusion talked these boys in the corner started to take the p**s of the way she spoke.

we than went into a shop and ask how much a teddy bear of a dog will be for my little bro who's 3 and the woman answed us in welsh, we asked nicely is she could say it in english cos we don't know welsh and she blanked us ! started serving coustomers in welsh and they looked at us very with cold faces.

has south wales gone english unfriendly or something :(

were not going back they no more




  1. i like the welsh people a lot.. oh, and i'm english/american but i lived in wales for 1 1/2 yrs and i had the best time over there.

  2. I know how you feel. I have many foreign friends and they tell me that when they visit England, people insist on speaking English to them and stare at them blankly when they ask them to speak to them in Japanese, or Spanish, or French or Yuroba. How rude can the English get. Like you, many of them will not be coming back again. Fortunately, when I go to Spain, Japan, China, Russia, Nigeria, Germany, etc., I can converse with the natives and can understand their rude remarks about me.

  3. They nice welsh swam to ireland.

  4. I live in South Wales (near Swansea) and I'm nice!!!

  5. I  have travelled the length and breadth of Wales for years,my daughter is married to a Welshman,i have stayed in Swansea many times,it can be a problem in places.There is nowt stranger than folk,ignorance knows no borders,lack of education and local brainwashing is not only limited to the minority in Wales though,you can have this crop up anywhere you go.I have found ,in the main,that the Welsh people are just as nice and hospitable as anywhere else.The ones that snub you and talk over you,or try and drive you away by not speaking a language you both understand,are the losers in the end,i will not deal with or help them should they require it,i will not buy in a shop where this is practised,like for like.YOU ONLY DESERVE WHAT YOU GIVE OUT.

  6. I have always found Welsh people friendly.  As to their speaking in Welsh - why not?  You don't think it odd that German's speak German do you?  Come on, you speak English and if you worked in a shop and someone came in and spoke in German could you answer them in their own language?  There are nice and nasty people the world all over but I don't think it is unfriendly to be speaking your native language.

  7. The words "nice" and "welsh" dont belong in the same sentence.  wales is the UKs biggest council estate, always has been.

  8. Thats never happened to me when ive been down to south wales. Ive been there quite a few times and people in cardiff and the rest of the south are really nice to me.

  9. south wales is more friendly than north wales

  10. lol, we had that as well. we went in a pub and they wouldn't lend us the crappy darts for the dart board, then they wouldnt turn the light on for it as well.

    We just got stared out the pub.

  11. Cytunaf Bear i agree

    English people in general (GENERAL) have this attitude that wel they can speak English so they should, but welsh is our national language and at the moment the language is going from strength to  strength especially down in the Cardiff area and the Valleys of South Eastern Wales. Wind the clock a 150 years ago and this was as welsh speaking as in Carmarthenshire today (Which is lot trust me) but they lost they're language due to immigration and policies to eradicate the language which never made it to this area of Wales(Rural at the time) Many people are now speaking Welsh as their native and first language, Maybe you learning a little bit wouldn't harm. And can you blame us for writing twll tîn bob sais , They come and buy holiday homes stay there for 3 weeks and then bugger off and only come back annually, they moan when we speak in what is our native tongue, The moan at everything here, whilst when they're back home in their posh English house we local people can't buy houses, we have to move, these English have no intention on learning welsh, the language then dies in the community, Is this fair and justified?

    There are plenty of nice Welsh people, It's just we do not take nicely to be mocked, and frowned upon for speaking our Own language, You're speaking your own language, We're speaking ours get over it, You are just paranoid,  

  12. I think your just too soft,if people did that to me in wales i would threaten to burn the fcking shop down lol and i would have knocked both the lads out that were taking the p**s

  13. Before you start on Wales and the language,learn your own first!

    Like most people you probably had an 'attitude',at the places you went ie.being condescending.

    As for the graffitti,you only have to look at some of the answers,as to why it is true in most cases!  

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