
What has helped you to.....?

by Guest33828  |  earlier

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How have you been able to not worry and To not care what have said to you that are rude or what theythink and go day to day not worrying .What helps you to be worry free and forget about the negative things. I mean,when someone says something rude like calls you names or tells you a uncalled for comment. How do you usually respond or react to these things. And how have you been able to handle difficult people. Thankyou :)




  1. Remember that those who are abusive are often more afraid of you than you of them. To put this another way; those who are rude often feel that they must strike out first to avoid being hurt. Your defense against this way of thinking is humor. Learn to make those who try to hurt you laugh.  

  2. I've been abused my entire life so far, and it just lasted long enough for me to realize I actually am better than everyone.  

  3. I think that comes with age and gaining some wisdom.  I'm thinking about all the difficult people I have delt with in my life, and there were many... and I can't even remember half of them.  I just remind myself that all people didn't have the upbringing I had, the parents I have, or the values that I hold dear.  People are all different, and rarely act like jerks all the time.  Maybe someone was having a bad day, and if it makes them feel better to put me down... well... I feel bad for them because they have nothing better than that to help them.  You will have difficulties with a lot of people in your life, don't let their negativity and unkindness change your positive personality.

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