
What has hillary clinton done in the pass that causes males to dislike her so?

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What has hillary clinton done in the pass that causes males to dislike her so?




  1. let me give you a example of her petulance to me...whilst first lady, she demanded that the military gaurds who worked at the white house not make eye contact with her or exchange pleasantries with her..they "loathe the military"..their words, not mine...right there, that FACT makes her unworthy of any respect from this male..God bless our military...just about the only bastion of my respect these days..

  2. hillary just being hillary pretty much does it.

  3. I think to say that "males dislike like her" is simplistic.  Bill O'Reilly hit it on the head today when he said those who don't like her are mostly the political far left, the centrists, the right, and the far right; with the right and far-right absolutely detesting her. (you can look up his well reasoned why's and wherefore's if you wish)

    Personally, for me and various close and extended family members of both sexes, it has zippo to do with her gender, and everything to do firstly, with her UTTER lack of integrity and sincerity, secondly with her atrocious positions on issues, thirdly with her greed for power, and only fourthly, with her ghastly personality.

    I fall squarely in the category of the politically right-leaning people who detest her, but i'm actually not declared with either party and most of the reasons boil down to just one, really: I don't believe a single word that comes out of her mouth because she's demonstrated in the past that she is without scruples, a conscience, real respect for the people of the country, or a discernible molecule of integrity.

    I'm sure if i had a summary of her doings during her time as first lady to refresh my memory, i could come up with several thousand reasons without trying, but off the top of my head:

    Having been elected to NO office, she took it upon herself to privately redesign the entire healthcare system, without public input, and in a completely incomprehensible way and *then* foist it on the people.

    She and bubba couldn't speak a sentence during "their" (her word) regime (mine) without uttering a lie. At that time i followed politics much more closely than at present and had a large number of facts and figures at my command.  I was utterly dumbfounded how the rotten pair of them could speak, double-speak, flip-flop, co-opt conservative views, and lie without even trying.

    I'd actually like to see what a female president could/would do, but she's a power-drunk wimp.

    That is, she was too greedy for power to leave billy after umpteen zillion known affairs, including the very public one, and ostensibly never calls him on the horrific things he did, or he may have cut back.  That in itself is enough to put her on fairly shaky ground and with the former item, quite shaky.  I don't believe in this fairy tale that one can compartmentalize and keep a completely polluted personal character out of one's political life! (not that she does anyway)

    She lorded over the whitehouse like she was queen, (as people have already mentioned), and since has talked as if she *deserves* to go back.  Condescension drips from everything she says.  She had the unmitigated gall to put herself on par with Martin Luther King Jr. by saying she would continue to work toward his dream!

    She falls right in line with every nonsensical bit of Bush being the root of all the country's problems, especially the Iraq skirmish though she pushed as hard as anyone to go to war.

    Vince foster wound up dead and citizen hillary had the Secret Service heisting everything from his office?!

    Quote from the time----> "I will not have reporters going through our papers!  WE are the president!"

    She bought her way into a senate constituency where she couldn't possibly have met the requirements, and got away with it.

    Knowing she and the truth are completely unknown to each other, she does indeed come off like a complete phony with every move choreographed, has a personality like a dead rotting fish, and panders horribly to anyone and everyone, except perhaps the far, far, dangling-off-the-edge right-wing.  (how horrific were that feigned southern black accent, and the on cue tears?)

    She and billy took half the contents of the whitehouse with them when they left, and turned it into a boarding house while they were there, in addition to paying off and pardoning every crony who was endicted or resigned.  They paid more attention to movie stars than real people.

    When confronted with the relatively recent multi-million dollar campaign finance scandal, she didn't just shrug it off (just like she did with whitewater and umpteen other things), she simply asked the folks to re-donate it!  Didn't even acknowledge that anything untoward had taken place or if it did, that it had any effect on her, which, judging by the way a lot of people still fawn over her, was perhaps correct.

    Obama would have to turn out to be a pretty despicable character before he could possibly sleaze his way down to her level!

  4. Men don't like women stronger than themselves!

  5. Well to be honest with you i dislike hillary so much for so many reasons, but not because im male.  What i would say is that males that dont like her hate her sharp curve or attitude its almost like she doesnt say she hates men, rather you read it from her attitude.  Shes got some sort of attitude or flip about her that just drives a person away kinda cocky to i mean really cocky which drives me nuts.  But if you ask what i hate about her is that she is status quo same old same old bundler and special interest group money collecter which zips her out of my book any day i wont vote for period.

  6. She just SEEMS like a cold woman.  She seems like she is a man hater.  There isn't much femininity about  her.  That's probably why she's in the position she's in.  If she had long flowy hair and wore lip gloss people probably wouldn't take her so seriously...the men would love her for her looks despite her mind and the women would hate her out of jealosy.

  7. In my opinion the fact that she is a very strong, woman who doesnt let her emotions control her (unlike alot of women), and she actually knows what she's talking about and has the experience and knowledge to back it up intimidates alot of men.  Alot of men are quite frankly scared that a woman can become president and run this country successfully.  The fact that a woman is on a higher level than a man scares the c**p out of them, therefore not even giving her a chance.

  8. Her dominant influence and her high self esteem. It makes males feel intimidated.

  9. She is a cold and controlling woman.

  10. I like her...  I think she isn't as popular as others running.  They say she is trying to get the power instead of being a "friend."  In my opinion, I think she's wonderful...

  11. I don't think males in particular dislike her.   why does it have to be male vs female or white vs black or.....maybe she is just not a very likable person

  12. she is smarter than them

  13. Hillary represents the past, a past rocked with scandal, triangulation, misspeak, and a whole host of other niceties.  

    Hillary was the darling of the party, and the press, for 1 1/2 years, her message hit a wall when Obama lept forward.

  14. wasn't caught under bill's desk,or wasn't there at all..

  15. Hillary is a woman.

  16. The first 10 answers tell the whole story but I'll add this summation.  First and foremost, strong women are more intimidating to men that strong black men.  Second, there is a visceral dislike of her due to the way she appears unwomanly.  Third, second hand reports say she is imperial. And, finally, fourth, one opinion is based on a so-called policy of hers to hate the military.  That about sums up the situation.

  17. probably didnt give oral s*x

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