
What has malta invented?

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What has malta invented?




  1. Glass and pop eye was filmed there

  2. Loads of things, you are just to lazy to do some homework on the subject. Oh, another thing, if it was not for their bravery in the 2nd World War you would not have the freedom that you have now.

  3. How about this... It's a new way to harness hydro-electric power

  4. A cross

  5. Nothing...Malta is a country and therefore can't invent anything.

    People invent things, not countries.

  6. Not much lol, tho Dr. Joseph Muscat did invent the fuel-free generater (well, still inventing) it makes electricity without fuel but is still years away. Malta hasn't done much for the world invention wise. Italy however has made many great inventions that have helped society in many ways: like the nuclear generater, the radio, arguably the telephone, our banking system, the paracute, ball-bearings, scissors and well... the condom... anyway theres lots more but im straying from the point lets just face it...

    Italy rocks

  7. Maltesers (not)

    How about a sustainable water pump?

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