
What has more bang for your buck?

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the wii xbox 360 or the ps3

all in all online play grafics games which is the better of the 3 systems




  1. Right now the Wii for games. We love it. Super Mario Galaxy is awesome and so is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to name two. The graphics and play on these is just as good if not better than the PS3 and XBox.

    We want to buy a 360 but until the Blue Screen of Death is completely fixed we aren't. But when it does it we will.

    Looks like Blu Ray has won out over HD(grumble grumble) so if you *really* want to buy movies in Blu Ray the PS3 is a decent choice if you also want to play the games for it. The price went down $100 bucks.

    If money is a consideration, I'd advise the Wii if you can find one. Most people can't afford the now $500 PS3, or deal with the Xbox's Blue Screen of Death.

  2. well it depends on u if u are a fun and get up and play kind of person defenatly a wii. and an xbox 360 or a ps3. well it all depends on which systems games u like beter. but than again if u want blu-ray get the ps3. i have a wii and i used to have a xbox360 but i didnt like it so i traded it in for a ps3. so if u ask me i like the ps3 best and the wii if u have the extra cash but thats just me

  3. wii's best games are probably sports, they are pretty fun no matter what age you are. Xbox in my opinion has the best games lineup except it has poor reliability. PS3 is the most powerful system but I don't find any of the games very appealing myself.

  4. Before the 360 came out I would have said to go with Playstation all the way, the old Xbox was a terrible system and it had very few decent games.  The 360 is an entirely different cookie though, the graphics are on par with the PS3, there are far more good games for the 360 then for PS3 and the Xbox elite includes a 120GB hard drive for 100 dollars less then the 60GB PS3.  Technically the PS3 is technologically superior to the 360 but the technology is simply not implemented like it should be (no games at the moment utilize Blu-Ray).  The Wii is a very fun system but it is too far behind technology wise to be on par with the PS3 and 360 and the game graphics were not significantly improved over the previous generation gamecube.   For online Xbox live is far more ebraced even though it is a pay service and it includes a lot of online content that is just simply not available for the PS3.

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