
What has more influence on perception of a beer's bitterness the malt or alcohol?

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What has more influence on perception of a beer's bitterness the malt or alcohol?




  1. it is the HOPS, hops bill give bitter tast

  2. Hops give the taste.

  3. The hops are the bittering agent in most beers. Though you do have Rye Ales that rely on rye malt for some of the bitterness and Gruit that don't use hops at all, but rather herbs, grasses and pine.

    Malt is the sweetness, color and body of the beer in most cases.

  4. This is about taste sensation, right?

    I would say malt has more  influence on the perception of a beers' bitterness.

    Since malt is sweeter and rich in the contribution to a beers flavor profile it contrasts with the bitterness from the hops. So the bitter flavor (from hop acids) is preceived more.

    I know alcohol is neutral and dryness in flavor and this would be less contrast to bitter flavor.

  5. I am with the idea that the malt. It gives the sweet or smoothness in mouthfeel. It also contributes to chocolate, caramel, and other roasted dark flavors. These seem to cut through the bitterness and balance the beer.

    Alcohol is also important as it has a flavor but it is difficult to pin down. Some higher alcohols give further derth to beer flavor.

    But as are as balancing the bitterned perceived the malt will influence that more than the alcohol.

  6. actually, the hops give beer its bitterness.....

    check out this informative site.....

  7. Actually, the hops give it the bitterness, malt gives it body.

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