
What has never existed and never will?

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What has never existed and never will?




  1. An honest person

  2. god

  3. time and space.

    Einstein sad so not me!



  5. Never!!!


  6. rtueortu

  7. aca- Einstein never said that!

    cal- Why not? Look up the alcubierre warp drive.

    jeremy- By "honest", do you mean for their entire life? Even in that case, it is still possible, and even extremely probable, that there will be someone who never lied in their life if humanity lasts long enough.

    mayha- the fact is that it is highly probable that there are aliens somewhere out there right now. What is an alien? Of course, it is life from another planet. What is life? Life is a member of the class of phenomena which are open or continuous systems able to decrease their internal entropy at the expense of substances or free energy taken in from the environment and subsequently rejected in a degraded form. In fact, under this definition, your computer might be considered to be alive, since it takes in electricity, degrades it into heat output, and decreases it's own entropy by storing information, since this necessarily decreases chaos.

    blondie0409- Define world peace. When there is no war going on? In that case, this has happened many times before. What about when humanity first started, and everyone lived like the african bushmen? Different tribes probably never even knew each other existed.

    mdgreg- magic, defined as violations in causality/logic. Probably hasn't happened before, unless at one point there was nothingness. If you believe in God, then magic exists, since God by definition can violate any law He wants to. However, if we were living in an illogical universe, we wouldn't necessarily know it, because a perfectly logical universe could be logical, just because anything would be possible. In that case, magic exists too. So you can't say it doesn't exist with 100'/. confidence.

    yaoi- Look at my response to magic. You also can't say that nothingness does not exist with complete confidence. Even if the universe was logical, I don't see your point. Simply because it is nothing does not mean it possesses no characteristics. Or that it is the set of all non-existent things. I think we'd have to settle on a definition of it first.

    My response: Something that cannot exist.

    Something that is impossible is the only thing that is impossible.

  8. Nothing. If it is something, it must either have existed or ought to exist in future or both.

  9. I almost agree with Small, (who's answer was "Nothing",) and I hope you are not looking for the strangest thing someone can come up with.

    I almost agree with Small, because it is "nothingness" that has and never will exist. Do you see the inherent contradiction in trying to prove wrong what I just said?

    "Nothingness" cannot exist; that would make it an existent. But since it is nothing at all, it cannot be an existent with existence.

    Therefore, nothingness never existed; therefore "somethingness" always existed; therefore you may believe that God was once the only existent and that He created everything else, but you cannot believe existence did not exist before God because God was an existent.

    (I'm atheist. I'm just using that argument to say that "nothingness" cannot have come before the first , the final, the effecient, the formal, or the material cause.

    "Nothingness" did not and never will be an existent.

  10. A vehicle that exceeds the speed of light.

  11. The future.

  12. Aliens

  13. Magic.

  14. World peace...sorry Miss America it's just not gunna happen sweet heart (:

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