
What has the UN done for you lately?

by Guest21371  |  earlier

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You guys are insulting toward me for asking a question.




  1. Here's a question " what have you done for the UN lately?"

  2. nothing, but they are like doing well elsewhere !

  3. They do lots of things so get off their backs with illogical, un thought out statements! Why don't you do your homework before you make blanket statements?

    So you don't like the UN. Sure I bet you don't want an entity telling the US what do do! Just other people!

  4. Good question. Every citizen is in right to think about it, isn't it?

    I'm one of the rare people on our world who don't need every day to pray for a UN intervention in the place I live. How lucky  I am! However, I could need it in one month because I'll be working in a dangerous place and later I'll too.

    I think UN is a guarantee for a balanced world and overall its headquarters in Geneve, Vienna, Nairobi, New-York are places where are resolved peacely some hot conflicts with multilateral diplomacy. Last year the Union Nations Office at Geneva organized ~ 8000 meetings and conferences. And lately UN is working on terrorism.

    So UN help to maintain international peace and security, to advance disarmament, to protect and promote human rights, to eradicate poverty, to implement sustainable development practices and to provide fast, effective humanitarian relief in emergencies – to mention just a few of the tasks.

    a French/European citizen

  5. They do nothing anymore! They are fatcats and we need to quit funding them NOW!

    Excellent question my friend!!!

  6. The UN has done nothing to me.

  7. Nothing, kick them out

  8. They've worked actively to clean up old landmines, saving innocent people from catastrophic injury.  They've spoken for women in counties where women have no voice, and these women are my sisters. They've provided medication to thousands of children battling AIDS and malaria and tuberculosis. They've fed starving children through UNICEF -- and as I am a human, these are to some extent all our children. They've worked to bring water to and dig wells for drought-stricken villages in third-world countries.

    You may disagree with the UN, but it's ignorant to say they do nothing, unless you're someone who *prefers* to live in a world where so many people suffer needlessly.

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