
What has the United Nations (or other non-governmental organization) done in the attempt to stop hunger?

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What has the United Nations--or other non-governmental organizations--done in attempting to resolve the issue of hunger?

-What are these organizations?

-What are they doing?

-and what do you think they should do?

If you have any information on Senegal and the hunger issue there, that'd be great!




  1. World Health Organization provide services for improvement of the health and solving malnutrition in different countries.

  2. Among the Millennium Development Goals which the United Nations has set for the 21st century, halving the proportion of hungry people in the world is top of the list.

    Click through this section to learn more about hunger and how WFP food aid, which reached 87.8 million people in 78 countries in 2006, is leading the fight against the number one risk to global health.

    Product/Service: Whole Green Lentils  

    Total Contract Value: US$ 544,769.04  

    Destination:  Sudan, Senegal, Algeria  

    Product/Service: VEGETABLE OIL    

    Total Contract Value:

    1) US$298,799.820

    2) US$262,261.371  

    Destination:  Malawi, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau Honduras, Guinea

  3. nothing

    People is not hungry!

    People is oppressed and exploited

  4. The UN has done about zero to stop/prevent/eliminate anything; their self serving propaganda not withstanding.  The UN is nothing more than a giant debate club with a bloated budget.  It is about as useless as **** on a boar.

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