
What has the United States become????

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I want to know what the United States has become from what it originally was ( The land of the FREE and BRAVE)- The U.S. spies on it's citizens, tortures, imprisons people in secret prisons without due process or legal representation, lies to it's people about nearly everything, imposes outrageous laws, operates in complete secrecy, intimidates people by fear of terrorist attacks for political advantage, has rigged elections, has shredded our bill of rights and constituion, has interferred in the raising of our children, and there are far more things that I can't fit in here so I will close at that. Oh please don't give me the bullshit that 9/11 created ALL these provisions and that we may be attacked by terrorists, because by the U.S. killing innocent Iraqis is creating more hatred for the U.S.




  1. I hear ya!! I agree 100 % Glad to see a post like yours!! Pesonally I think our government is screwed up ! America is the best country , compared to the others, but we have a corrupt government that keeps sending money to other countries while we have homeless ppl here and ppl here with no health care. Block the d**n boarders and take care of our own !!! And yes you are right, the US is killing innocent Iraqis and causeing more hatred towards us. I also say if you are going to live in our country, please please speak English and get rid of the towel on your head. If you want to speak your language and wear your towels then GO HOME ! ONe more question....why do I have to push 1 for english?????

  2. A herd of cows.   Unwilling to do the hands on work of preserving freedom, justice and seeking truth.

  3. First off, the USA was not the land of the free and brave from the beginning... slavery was legal.

    I know a lot of us are upset at how bureaucracy has taken over our lives... have to wear that seatbelt to drive... gotta pay that tax or lose your property... BUT in the end, we do have more freedoms than ever before.

    We are progressing believe it or not. Thoughts like this question are why we will continue to progress.

  4. I agree with you.  Fortunately we have an election coming up, and we can get the scoundrels who have used our Constitution for toilet paper out of office.

  5. say what ya want, America is NOT perfect but, ya know what ? it's still the BEST place on the planet to live !

  6. Apparently we have become a nation of gullible fools who believe the rumors that: "The U.S. spies on it's citizens, tortures, imprisons people in secret prisons without due process or legal representation, lies to it's people about nearly everything, imposes outrageous laws, . . . "

    Ever notice that every 'torture' accusation has been proved to be false?

  7. It has become a nation obsessed with football and beer.

  8. I dont live there, and probably wouldn't want to

  9. move to Cuba or canada if you don't like it here.

  10. We've become everything we despise of other countries.

  11. The other Countries look down at us now.  I have friends in other countries and talk to people in other countries.  After years of trying to get through to us, some have just adopted that Bush is a Worse Hitler.  They have nicknames for him like Neo Hitler.

    The problem has been that for years now our Media really has been censored and controled.  So for year the other Countries were getting ticked off and outraged we weren't doing anything when they were getting our real news, while we were getting filtered and fake news.

    The money being rerouted to this "War" is annoying.  But people are not aware of everything Bush has been doing that has been killing Americans in America.

    He tends to work like this,.. he passes or forces something, then later that day does something that is put into the news instead.

    Being that I have spent time with Children Online,.. I have had to comfort them through new lows that Bush forced onto their lives.  Some were literally Orphaned because of Bush.

    When Bush visited Shivo--  He made it so if you need special help breathing while you recover, you have something like one to two months to breath on your own with Government Enforced scare tatics to Enforce you are taken off the mahcine by medical staff.  There is the posiblity to currently have the funds to pay to remain on the machine but if you don't have cash then you are screwed.  Anyone that is in an accident or hit by a certain illness suddenly can find themselves in need of special assistence that is covered.  It can take people 5 months to recover enough to be taken off these machines and months to two years later they can be back to the state they were before the accident or illness.    It is normal for people to bounce back like that.  But if anyone had brought this up I'm sure people like Shivo would have been the only example made of people put into situations like this.

    When Bush visited the Autistic Basketball Player --  The morning he did a flood of things.  He elimenated all programs and research for Autism.  He also set things up so if you were born after a point and had Autism you could not get any support based on haveing Autism,.. includeing SSI, Medicare, and Medicaid.

    He does this so much it is insane.  But he does things the same day and Media is only allowed to cover the positive thing.

    Since 9/11 it's been more like a twelve year old boy's game of Cowboys and Indians.  I guess 12 y/o boys don't deal with baby dolls and can't figure out how to glue their toys back together.

  12. Gotham Nation...with no batman yet.

  13. The USA has become the modern-day version of the Roman Empire, which began as the Roman Republic.  Decadence and corruption are everywhere.  Interesting times to live in, eh?

  14. Open your eyes. This country was found upon slavery and genocide.

    This IS who we are...

  15. We have become alot of people living under the umbrella of saftey from the people that truely protect it.  We not sit & talk over a LATTE, about how to change or "if you dont like it leave it" Attitude.  But meanwhile they dont really offer it any substance just words.  People need to put they money were there mouth is and get of their *** to do something about these awful things that WE are allowing our politicians to feed and do to us.

  16. It is still the Land of the Free and home of the Brave...

    Since when are the terrorist who you are complaining about being spied upon citizens?

    Who among us would not gladly do whatever was necessary to get information from a terrorist to prevent another attack on the United States. Would you rather they be ticked into giving up their terrorist plans? Since when do terrorist abide by the Geneva Convention?

    It is easy to sit in the comfort of your home and arm chair quarter back the war. The US wasn't killing Iraqis innocent or otherwise before 9/11/01. Or are you one of these nut job conspiracy theorist who think the Bush Administration did it with remote controlled planes?

  17. All was well with the United States of America, the land of the'superlatives", before Bush (Jr.) came into its centre stage.

    Thanks to his neocon advisers and his warped thinking, his decisions grew outrages.

    US, which was hailed as the "Leader of Freedom and Democracy" all over the world, was shackled by his fiats and  the world started wondering whether any thing of democracy has been left in US?

    To add insult to injury, he poses as one who is keen on bringing democracy in every nook and corner of the wolrd, to cite a few, Afghanistan , Iraq, Somalia, N.Korea, China, Burma and Saudi Arabia!

    Thank God his term ends after 60 days!

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