
What has the government ever done for you???

by  |  earlier

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Actually think about this one...

And considering all of the corruptions and war, do you think they put your hard earned money to good use?





  1. They do pay me as I've always worked for state, federal, or local governmental institutions and they did provide money for my education.

  2. You are so ungrateful!!! I'd like to know what you would do if all governmental agencies and the governments itself would pull up stakes and let you fend for yourself.

  3. they have given me and my family over the past couple of hundred years security, freedom, education,hope, voting, health services and most of all, a country that is not subject to tryranical,socialist or communist rule. so for the most part, yes, money has been spent wisely. i wonder how many people around the world would like to have our gov, even wihth its shortcomings.

  4. Actually, right now it makes me feel like theyre trying to make my community and nation legally best suited to me and the people here so that the majority of us can live freely and most of us dont go to jail.

  5. K-12

    Heavily subsidized 13-17 (Bachelors Degree)

    Heavily subsidized 18-19 (Masters Degree)

    I get to keep my head on my shoulders since I'm an infidel the radical Muslims would like to cut off,

    I get to choose where I want to live, what I want to do, and almost say whatever I want about anyone.

    I even get to keep my guns and my religion.

    In other words our government has done a lot for me, and the most important thing is protect my freedoms.

  6. What has it done for me??? Why, why, they............ Ummm, there was that time - uhhhh. I know, I once got............... er, no I didn't.

    I just pay taxes. And no nation has ever been taxed into prosperity.

  7. They took my tax money and wasted it on entitlements and Pork.  Paying for a war is the cost of doing business in this world we live in.  Wasting money on government programs to buy votes will be the downfall of this country.

    Obama's suggestions for taxes will strangle the goose that laid the golden egg.  The man needs to understand who pays this country's bills (the top 10%).  He messes with that and tries to play Robin Hood, I will go out of my way to make less money and pay fewer taxes.  Just watch the decrease in tax receipts following implementation of this fool's tax policy.

    Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security (a.k.a. "Ponzi Scheme") will bankrupt this nation and I am about done doing my part to support this sham.

  8. For the most part, they leave me alone - and that's just as is should be.

  9. The government paid for my education. The Government does good for all the citizens.

  10. snooping in to all of our phone calls, text messages, I/M's, anything we do on the Internet and pictures on our cell phone. ( 100% true ).

  11. The thing is I don't want government to do a d**n thing for me! I hate that mentality, I picture people with their hands out waiting for thier share of the pie without earning it themselves. All we should expect is what the constitution promises us. We have the right to our own persuit of hapiness. The freedom to acomplish our goals without government intervention as long as we obey the law. And no I don't think  they put our money to good use. If the government and it's "ways" of dealing with things were the ceo of a major company they would be fired or run that company into the ground. Remember the bigger we let government grow the smaller we become as individuals.

  12. Me personally?... not much.. but then again I don't expect it to... But as far as public safety (police and fire) and road building it does OK... it's when it tries to run my life that I get miffed and dissatisfied...

  13. Ya,  "education"  I went to High School

    in L.A.  ya, right ... education

    The state needs to get OUT of the  education business

    .. you have seen public housing,  now think PUBLIC EDUCATION.

    What a CROCK!  its not education, its indoctrination and also its a JUNGLE!  So I sould have a major in academics

    and a  minor in martial arts just to survive.... and this is somehow "CIVILIZED" ....

    Not to mention that I'm a Veteran and the VA has screwed me out of benefits that I was promised when I was seperated from the service (end of enlistment, honorable distcharge)


    isn't solving problems, its creating them!

  14. Why are you disputing all the answers when you asked the question?  If you wanted a debate, ask for a debate.  My country has allowed me to move freely where ever  I want.  I have freedom.  Allot of people don't.

  15. More things than you will ever realize. And most of them good.

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