
What has the potential of producing a tornado with little or no advanced tornado warning?

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What has the potential of producing a tornado with little or no advanced tornado warning?

A. Severe thunderstorms

B. Hurricanes

C. Earthquakes

D. Floods




  1. Out of those choices, B (hurricanes) is the best answer.

    The most common way tornadoes are produced is in a severe thunderstorm, true.  However, storms that have the potential to produce a tornado are generally extensively monitored and tracked by the Weather Service, so there will most likely be at least SOME warning.

    On the flip side, tornadoes contained within a hurricane may go totally unnoticed because of all the surrounding winds and general chaos associated with the storm.  So, even though you can know days in advance about a hurricane coming your way, chances are that you'll get no advance notice about any tornadoes that may be lurking inside it.

    EDIT - to crazy:  Sorry, but you missed it.  The question is which of the four has the potential to produce a TORNADO with little to no advanced warning.  I've never heard of an earthquake producing a tornado, so that eliminates choice C as being the answer.

  2. Well, now a days it is nearly impossible not to have at least 30 minutes to know about any major storm condition. With advanced doppler radar and satellite imagery meteorologist can see the precursors for any major storm that might happen in the U.S.  As far as hurricanes go they are even easier to tell and since they are so slow moving at first we usually have a couple days that we know they are coming. Earthquakes are still the biggest problem and the hardest to detect. There are so many different fault lines and pressure points in the tectonic plates it is nearly impossible to tell when one is going to give way and cause an earthquake. There have been cases where they where able to tell one was going to happen but there are still thousands that happen with no real warning. As far as flooding goes again meteorologist can predict that there will be enough precipitation in the air to cause flooding usually in advance. The problem is the atmosphere is so dynamic. It is always changing and fluctuating so you can't always tell how much rain your going to get. You can only estimate it. So bottom line A,B, and D are detectable. C not so much

  3. wow, i cant believe only one person got this!!

    answer is A.

    severe storms. happens aaaalllll the time here in tornado alley. you have about 5-10 minutes to be ready. and when one comes, you seek shelter immediately because of the fast moving storm.

    although b is an option, its likely not the answer. tornados are very common with hurricanes on the back edge, therefore predictable.

    c, earthquakes do not produce tornados at all. an earthquake is the shifting of the earths plates underneath the surface. it has nothing to do with the atmosphere.

    d. flooding is a rise in water. and will not have the correct conditions for forming a tornado.

  4. a

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