Has the entire world become too blinded with the pursuit of wealth and the exploitation of capitalism? Why is it that every day, i hear of another murder, another drug deal gone bad, higher gas prices, higher cost of living? Where are the true politicians and wealthy business individuals who actually understand the monetary system and its destructive effects on whole societies? What is actually being done to solve the problem with economics as a whole, that it never worked in the first place?
I was recently charged with possession of cannabis. So I decided to do some research on the subject and why its actually illegal. Not because it is a harmful or damaging substance as government propaganda would like to tell you, but simply for the greed of a few people's economic interests. Don't these people understand that cannabis related products could END almost every problem in society? Starvation, poverty, affordable housing, reduces gas prices, reduced oil dependence, cheaper consumer commodities, and an enhanced health care sector; all problems which still exist in society today because of greedy industrialists. Do your own research and tell me what you think.