
What has to change for me & my parents to get along?

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my mom is a very hotheaded person and will not back down from any confrontation, my dad is very calm and very good at slowing arguments down and really getting to the bottom of them, i am 16 and i don't feel as if my parents should still be telling what to do as much as they are, i am like my mother, ill argue with people for hours if i need to and even when its over i feel that i need to bring things back up. My parents usually punish me with taking away things like t.v and playstation, things that i really dont care about. the only problem is i cant let them know that it does bother me, so i act like they can take anything they want, once for almost a year i went without any electronics, and was grounded. i put myself through this because i couldn't admit that it hurt me. i need help, i want to get along with my parents, but i dont want to change




  1. Well there you go, you just summed it up in a nutshell with your last statement. "I want to get along with my parents, but I don't want to change".

    You obviously can't have it both ways. If you want to get along with your parents, then the only place you can effect a change is with YOU.

    Being self aware of the fact that you are argumentative is a big step toward making a positive change, so why not start there?

    Try hard not to argue with your parents.

  2. Oh,so you are EQUAL with your parents in knowledge right?


    When YOU are working and supporting yourself  and on your own THEN and ONLY then do you get to do what you want.

    THEY are responsible for what happens to you until you are 18 and for what you do until you are 18.

    They see things as they are not through the eyes of teenage fantasy or hormones son.

    You need to listen to them and start being honest with yourself.My old man wouldn't have just taken things from you, he would have put a boot up your rear if you had gave him too much c**p.

    There are rules and they are there to protect you,you can either learn to live by them or suffer the consequences.By the way,your parents know the loss of those things bothered you.

    One last thing, start obeying them,you'll be 18 in 2 more years and things will go easier that way.

  3. An answer to your important question.

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