
What has your experience been when having biological children and adopted children?

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Do they still get a long... is there ever jealousy...would it be easier just to have one or the other etc?




  1. I am an adopted child, I have 3 siblings who are all my parents natural children. As far as getting along goes, what family gets along all the time? We have our fights, but I have no other family! I have got in contact with my biological family, but i dont consider them anything to me really.

    Just tell the child that they are adopted, keep the lines open, Dont keep secrets and there should be no real problems.

    I have never considered myself favored, or neglected, and either have my bro's and sis's as far as i know. My parents love us all the same, and vice versa

  2. my godson is adopted  i will always love him like he was mine even though he came from another  female that doesnt want him .

    anyways we alll treat him like he was ours

  3. This is a good question, and it is something you need to think about.  I have three children, 1 biological and 2 adopted.  The first thing you need to consider is that you will feel differently about your children, at least to begin with.  Not favouritism, just different.  That isn't to say that you love them differently, but just that it obviously takes a little while  longer to bond with a child who comes to you with a history, rather than a child who was yours from day one.  I think the trick with the kids getting along is to be sensitive to how they each feel. Contrary to what people think, it may be the biological child who can feel left out, especially when people talk about adopted children being 'special' or 'chosen'.  My advice to you, if you decide to do both, is tell all your children that they came to you through God, and that each of them is your own special blessing.  Giving birth, and seeing or holding your newly adopted child for the first time are both beautiful experiences, and there is no better or worse.  Make the decision that is right for you, and just be happy and love the family God sends you! Good luck to you, and may you have happy and healthy children.

  4. Let's put it this way!  When my 5 yr old (foster child waiting to adopt) got hurt the other day he wanted his sissy (my bio daughter) to comfort him after he had had enough of my comforting!  She was more than willing to do it...they are the best of friends and she doesn't let anyone mess with her little brother!  Ages 13 and 5!

  5. I am a mother of 2, my biological daughter came first and then we adopted a baby girl form China. There were no problems in my pregnancy or giving birth, on the contrary - we had just decided that it was the right thing for us to expand our family by adoption. We have no regrets whats  so ever. Our daughters are 2 years apart (we took our older one with us to China for the adoption, it was hard but great - we didn't want it any other way). They are as close as 2 siblings can be, they fight, they take care of each other and most of all they love each other to pieces. It depends on what will work for you.

    When we decided to go for the adoption or not, I made sure that I wouldn't regret it later, that I wasn't pregnant again. Fortunately I had a lot of friends around me who were pregnant the second time and it helped me to determine my feelings. Be honest with yourself and you will make the right decision. Both ways are wonderful for having children, both are special and both were born in our hearts first.  

    There is the part that you missed with your adopted child, the time when you weren't there but our bonding went very fast (we are convinced our older daughter helped a lot). Now they are mine, no matter how they look and where they came from.

    Good luck.

  6. This is a very good question and its something that has crossed my mind too.

    I am in the process of fostering/Legal Guardianship for my nephew. My husband and I have no children of our own yet as we have infertility problems but we would like to have our own in the future and we have also wondered if the children would get along well.

    I would like to think that they would get along well as they would be treated exatly the same but maybe it depends on the child

  7. I am adopted...and my two brothers are also adopted (we´re all from different families...not a common gene between us).

    My brothers were jealous of me because I was the youngest and the only girl.  I was jealous of them because they were older and had more privileges.  My parents treated each of us as individuals...which means we were treated differently....but LOVED equally.

  8. I’m adopted  -My mother has 2 biological children from her first husband who died. One biological child with my father.   I never felt neglected or that I was treated differently just because I was adopted. I didn’t always get along with my brother (thats closest in age to me) but it had nothing to do with me being adopting and him not.   I know some other families that had both biological and adopted children. Sure there are fights siblings don’t get along sometimes but that’s how it is with any siblings adopted or not.

  9. This is one of the best questions I've seen on Yahoo Answers!  

    I have two biological children (8 and 7) and an adopted child (3).  If there were any jealousy issues, I guess it would have been my two bio kids being jealous of my youngest child when we first brought him home.  They had witnessed the long adoption process and how hard we worked to bring him home.  I think there was a part of them that wondered if we loved our new child more than them because we worked so hard to bring him home.  

    However, now that they are all settled into their routines and no longer feel "new" to each other, I don't see any jealousy at all among any of them.  

    They get along GREAT!  They are very protective of each other.  In fact, the two oldest want to adopt again, since the experience has been such a positive one.  I'm not so sure about the youngest....he enjoys being "little" as he calls himself.  : )

    I love having bio and adopted children in our family.  Since we adopted internationally we've incorporated a different culture into our family as well and that adds flavor and fun!  

    And just as another answerer said, sometimes I forget which one was adopted and which one I gave birth to.  They are simply MY KIDS!  : )

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