
What has your experience with Lexapro been like?

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I'm going to start taking 10 mg a day for Depression




  1. I took it for 3 days and got MEGA migraine headaches.  They were so bad that I called the doctor in tears and told him something was terribly wrong.  He switched me to Effexor.  The headaches stopped by the end of the next day.  They felt like someone had hit me upside the head with a hammer and I could not tolerate light.  If you feel any sort of headaches starting, tell your doctor immediately.

  2. I took Lexapro when I was first diagnosed with depression (cant remember the amount sorry) and found no improvement.

    Zoloft worked much better for me but it can differ with everyone.

    Good Luck

  3. I'm not depressed, just anxiety disorder. Took lexapro for 2 yrs. and just stopped one day a year ago. dont think it did nuttin for anxiety. But like i said i'm not depressed.

  4. I took the highest dose and it didnt do anything for me.. but neither did prozac at 80 mg. so it might work better for you

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