
What has your little one swallowed?

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My grandaughter swallowed a penny a few days ago , it lodged at the top of her esophogas and she had to have it surgically removed. What has your child/grandchild swallowed?




  1. when my brother was littler he used to eat all my Barbie's shoes. I had enough that they didn't really matter but it freaked my mom out. She always had to dig them out of his mouth

  2. My daughter hasn't eaten anything like that but she has eaten cat food before. I didn't notice her go for the bag until she walked over with her tongue hanging out in disgust and it was yellow. Yuck.

  3. I caught him drinking the dog's water once. He just smiled and said, "Look....I a doggie!"

  4. One of my twins ate a lily of the valley berry....Did I tell you her name is Daisy-Lyllian? Irony there I know!

    She was in the ER and had to get her stomach pumped as those are rather poisonous

  5. Ouch! That must have been horrible for  her, her parents and you.

    Well, my daughter once at a dead bee. Thankfully when the dr. called me back 3 hours later from when i called her, the dr. said that she would be ok. Which i figured out since i had 3 hours to find out.

  6. My son crawled under my bed one morning while I was in the shower and ate a cat p**p that I didn't know was under there.  I knew he ate cat p**p when I came out and found him under the bed with cat p**p breath - UGH!

  7. My brother swallowed a non-blown up balloon once.  My mom had no idea and it showed up in his diaper.  He was always a trouble maker!

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