
What have I done illegal?

by  |  earlier

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I got a referral in school for doing this and got a record already in the school but what did I do? someones lunch a slice of pizza was left on a table bench I went over to the bench and ate the whole slice of Pizza then a teacher told me later that belonged to a boy named Kevin and then she wrote me a referral and told my classroom teacher. what crime did I commit




  1. ... u ate another kids ... pizza...?

    and u think its .... illegal?

    theres nothing wrong with that  

  2. Basically you took something that did not belong to you, without permission.  You had no idea whether the person who bought the pizza slice was coming back for it or not, and made no attempt to find out who it belonged to.  Your crime was in taking something that you did not have any right to.

  3. It's technically theft, because you took something that was not yours and did not pay for.

  4. where was Kevin? was he at the table? where was the teacher? was the teacher at the table? tell your teacher that your religious belief forbids wasting food. if she laughs, tell her your parents want to speak to her, that usually shuts them up. you committed no crime because if Kevin had not returned, his slice would have been tossed in the trash

  5. the crime of stealing from a mental kid

  6. idk..ya stole it i guess but it's not that big a deal

  7. You stole a slice of pizza that did not belong to you .  You were written up for that reason.  You took, ate, something that did not belonge to you.  You did not know that someone was observing you.

    You committed theft by stealing a slice of pizza that belonged to someone else, you kept a meal from someone else.  

    You are a thief if you steal someone else' property ...

    But you want someone to say well i dont blame you for taking it.....Not gonna happen.....Let that be a lesson to you.  

    Think, ask yourself, what should I have done?   You will always come up with the right answer since you know the wrong one.

  8. that's dumb it's not like he was going to eat it or anything. plus it makes sense someone would eat it because he leaves it out in the open. i think they are just over reacting.

  9. Last question it was Marks pizza. Regardless of whose the thing is it was NOT yours to eat Theft!!

  10. Technically you stole the pizza,

    Kevin might not have been by it

    but yet again when you go to a store and there's no one around to help, your not suppose to leave without paying .. so your not suppose to eat someone elses food

  11. Why has this same question been asked a dozen different ways?  It ranges form brownie to a candy bar to pizza.  I don't get it.

    Go ask in the education section. This is not a police matter.

  12. LOL REALLY LOUD, thats hilarious, thats the funniest thing ive heard in a long time, dam teachers, lol, ohhh sigh..... if they wanna be reall picky you've probably committed a crime if stealing, but thats all the worst they can do is give you detention or in school suspension dont worry bout it.

  13. The crime is that someone abandoned a perfectly good slice of pizza when there are hundreds of starving children in China.  What YOU did was just stupid -- you don't know whose mouth was on that pizza! Gross!   Your teacher probably wrote the referral thinking you did what you did to hurt Kevin.  Something tells me there's more to this story than you're telling us.

  14. Well it was not your piece of pizza so you probably should not have eaten it. On the other hand this one won't get you on America's Most Wanted or the F.B.I.'s Ten most wanted list. Its no big deal. Don't loose any sleep over it. At worst it was just an error in judgment on your part. If your teacher makes a big deal out of it just tell her to report you to the War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague. That should leave her with her mouth hanging open. Good Luck  Bob

  15. *gasp* YOU STOLE AN ABANDONED SLICE OF PIZZA???? thats horrible!!!! their gonna lock you up with all the kids that drunk the half empty cartons of milk in the trash can!!!!! count your milk money man, maybe you gots enough for bail.  

    muahahahaha :D  

  16. Naw.  The school may hassle you, but that's about it.

  17. Theft.

    The punishment for the crime should be that someone should stick a laxative laced piece of food out in the open to see if you've learned your lesson on not touching things that don't belong to you. This is another good reason why you shouldn't touch things that don't belong to you.

  18. It is plain and simple you ate his lunch. He may have sit it down while he went to get something to drink. It was not yours that it all there is to it.  

  19. Question: Are you stupid?

    Seriously now!

    Do you want me to believe that you ate food that you just "found" laying around? Doing that is just plain dumb! And now you feed us this line of c**p! So you eat anything you get you hands on. no matter where it came from and without knowing anything about it at all?

    Do we really sound that dumb?-Well, from the answers I have seen, some of us actually are. Oh well.

    By the way- Yea, you are guilty as he!!

  20. Well the kid could have been in the restroom at the time or somewhere else you could have just bought your own lunch.

  21. You ate someone else's food. It didn't belong to you. Plain and simple. You stole.

  22. well i think i didnt belonged to you/ so you took it and thats wrong/ u took something that didnt belong to you

  23. You stole, genius.

  24. Theft.  The pizza was not yours.

  25. You stole someone's lunch!  Why would a slice of pizza just be lying there?  I hope it was a misunderstanding, but next time you see something tasty sitting around, you might want to ask for the owner before you take it!

  26. Funny, you posted this same question a few minutes ago and the kids name was different.

  27. What you thought was something just laying there was actually someone else's lunch, granted they didn't want it very bad to leave it laying around, but the school is probably looking at is as stealing. Buy Kevin a Slice of Pizza and maybe the entire thing will blow over. Ask your counselor to explain it to you. If you don't feel like you have done something wrong, all it is, is a case of harmless unawareness. Be clear that you had no ill intent when you are talking to the counselor. I am sure it will be dealt with using no punishment. Well, it should be anyway.  

  28. Next I'll be answering this guys question in Diet and Fitness...

  29. No crime in the real world.

  30. Theft

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