
What have I got??????

by  |  earlier

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Nausea, Vomiting, Streaming eyes...




  1. It may not be food poisoning, but it seems like you have some kind of bacterial infection. You should see a doctor soon, because there are so many dangerous bacterias that can really harm you. Could you have the flu? It's hard to really know exactly what someone is infected with, because symptoms can be so similar with different things, but it sounds like you have come in contact with some bad bacteria that is kicking your butt right now and your body is doing everything possible to get it out of your system.

    I hope you feel better soon..

  2. See a doctor immediatly hon.  Hope you feel better soon.  

  3. See a doctor as soon as possible or ring NHS Direct on 0845 4647. Get well soon.

  4. Possibly hayfever or rhinitus

  5. Bird flu? Go see your doctor for a definite diagnosis.

  6. Date rape drug.

  7. herpes.
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