
What have Obama and/or Biden said against Sarah Palin?

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  1. In today's news on yahoo, Biden actually did a good thing and told the LIEberal media and everyone else that Palin's family was "off limits".  This is a good thing and ten times more than Obama has ever done.  Biden should be running for president in stead of that goddman lying flip flop queen Buttock Insane Obama.  Biden is a better man.

  2. They will make sexist remarks for sure!

  3. they have said nothing negative. Obama doesn't rely on smear to tactics like  right wingers have.

    yes, those like min sing are the worst.

  4. They don't have to say anything even though they have, don't you watch Chris Mathews on msnbc or Wolfe Blitzer ?. The media has overlooked by no mistake the wheelbarrow loads of real proven bads on Barack Hussein just to attack repeatedly a vp pick of the GOP on small things like a daughter being pregnant.

    They even try to say a woman cannot have a career with five children at home but they never hold any men to that same principal which means the dem's believe a womans place is in the home?.

    Just look at what US mag did, last week in a blatant abuse of journalism without trial or facts put out a cover with Sarah and her baby and the caption read ' Babies, lies and scandal '.

    The editor pointed out that inside the story you could see where the lies were from the media not Sarah but the outside doesn't give you that immpression now does it, and this supermarket rag is seen by hundreds of thousands of shopping moms. It also says Todd Palin was arrested for dui but neglected to say it was 22 yrs earlier the same time that Barak said he was smoking pot and trying new things.

    The week before this same magazine had a cover with a wonderfull looking couple embracing and laughing with the caption ' Michelle and why he loves her '.

    What the h**l kind of bias c**p is that?.

    The media intentionally ignores hard facts ( and I have the links if you want them ) about Obama's many potentially bad relations for America and failed experience and lack of to attack the vp because they can't really get at McCain and have resorted to Enquirer style attacks an enuendo.

    Just one day watch cnn all day as if you were open minded. I challenge you.

  5. They don't attack, as they don't want to appear sexist, but their cohorts and political advisor attack dogs do it...They plant stories on the internet and then take no responsibility.....What I call this is sour grapes because McCain beat them to the punch nominating a woman for V.P.  They were afraid of Hillary and Bill and nominated a ultra liberal Senator and now they cannot stand the fanfare Palin is getting.  So remember...politicals is dirty business, and be prepared for outlandish attacks on both sides, and when the dust settles, the best man (I hope) will be elected.  McCain/Palin 08 .  If Obama gets in, we are in for a road to Socialism and appeasement.  

  6. Aside from their campaign manager's reaction to the speech, nothing yet, that I know of.  However, I could be wrong. I say yet because the gloves will soon and quickly come of. She definitely opened herself up last night and essentialy said "bring it on". I think it will be interesting to see how they bring on the attack and even more interesting will be how she handles it.  I can't wait for the debate though. Hopefully then, we'll actually hear what she stands for as opposed to just being a hockey mom.  

  7. To date, none. In fact, Obama told people "Families are off limits" when he was questioned about the investigation to Palin's kid having a child.

    That poster who tried to predict the future clearly shows the demographic that is appealed by McCain/Palin. No surprise.

  8. Biden said her speech has no substance in a polite way..  

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