
What have all the Man U supporters who slagged off there best player, Ronaldo, got to say about him now.

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Many on here wanted him to go. He has finnaly spoken --------I will remain with Manchester United for at least another year," Ronaldo told Portuguese newspaper Publico.


He goes on to praise United boss Sir Alex Ferguson, who flew to Portugal in the aftermath of Euro 2008 to hold clear-the-air discussions with his enigmatic playmaker.

"Sir Alex Ferguson heard my arguments, I heard his and, in fact, it was settled that the best for both parties would be for me to stay," he added.

"Therefore, I can confirm that, next season, I will play for Manchester United.

"Before rumours emerge saying that I will play against my will, I want to make this clear - whoever says or writes that is lying.

"I will play for Manchester with all my heart and soul. I will fight and honour that shirt with the same commitment and dedication as always." ----------- What do they think now, are they still happy to say good riddance. Is he still an ungrateful cheat not fit to wear the red shirt.




  1. ---Man Utd fans who slagged off Ronaldo are NOT TRUE Manchester United fans!!!

    I, however, supported Ronaldo regardless and am happy he's going to be with the best team for another season.

    Go Ronaldo!! <33

  2. i agree with al,ankit,batu5joe..

    a player alone does not make a great team such as ManUnited

    ManUnited all the way..

  3. Ronaldo can go.. no problem there. United is much bigger that Ronaldo many times over and I know Fergie can rein in his "naughty" behaviour. He's done it to Cantona, Beckham and many others.

    Fergie has been at United when Ronaldo was only 3 years old. He's got all credentials and success as a great manager. Yes, Ronaldo has achieved alot last season. He's not great ...yet.

    The true mark of a great player is to repeat his performance on the world stage consistently. If he can do that at United next season, I think Fergie will even gift wrap him to Madrid!

  4. I will tell you right now......United Fans are not happy with him on how he handled the situation.....I am sure he will get a bit of a mix reaction when he finally does play this season after his recovery.

    I think most feel that it is great that he stayed for another year but it wouldn't have been the end of the world if he left. United is a very good team and those who watch them week in and week out understand that Ronaldo is not the only key player on the squad, it is the team.

    No player is bigger than the club

  5. i being a man u fan wanted him to go after the stories of him not wanting to play emerged.  

    so after he has cleared the confusion, i don't think i hate him so much as i did before.

    this is all due to some stupid smartass reporter who wanted to sell the story, but i don't think ronaldo has handeled the situation too well.

    he wants all the media attention for himself, that is why he came clean, after all the saga about his tranfer has gone down. i think he played his last card very well (or at least tried to )

    after he was sure that fergie is not gonaa let him go, he decided, finally, to say these stuff and at least try and win some "true" Man U fans

    and  the answerers who say they are man u supporters just because they love ronaldo,

    need to understand something if u truly love a team, players come and go, its the team and club that u need to love, not the players.

    they said that they love ronaldo and man u and will follow man u whereever he goes, that is just bullsh*t. he may go into some other team in 2009-2010, then are u gonna stop suporting man u, if u r then u r not a true supporter.

  6. Alex is right saying that young players may get tempted to big pays, still Ronaldo showed his character in staying back.

    Am happy with the decision and i still believe that he will one day leave to Real Madrid ( May be next season ) ....  

  7. I think that this was all a big publicity stunt and ill tell you why.

    If Sir Alex had "clear the air" talks with him just after Euro 2008, why hasn't CR come out and said so since. By the way he was talking it sounds like he had his mind made up since that meeting ("Sir Alex Ferguson heard my arguments, I heard his and, in fact, it was settled that the best for both parties would be for me to stay"). So why let all the speculation continue? he could have made this statement when it happened and ended the controversy there.

    As much as i hate to admit it, Sir Alex is no fool. He plays the media like like a cat toying with a ball of wool. This episode has given them HUGE exposure and i wouldn't put it past them to have set this up from the beginning, knowing how Marca would react to the slightest hint of Ronaldo being unsettled.

    Don't forget that on the field results, titles and players arent the only things these clubs are vying for. Theres also the prestigious "worlds richest club" title on the line. Real Madrid hold that honor at the moment, but it is expected that Man Utd will overtake them in the next season or two. Could this have just been a case of Man Utd playing the media and fans, believing that any exposure is good exposure. I'll leave that up to you to decide, but i have my suspicions that there's more going on behind the scenes than most realize.  

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