
What have been the social ramifications of allowing blacks and women to vote?

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What have been the social ramifications of allowing blacks and women to vote?




  1. There have been no ramifications.  Both men and women, whites and blacks just want what's best for themselves and their families.  They're really not very different from each other.  Our government and country would probably be the same now even if they had never been allowed to vote.

    Expanding voting rights however, WAS the right thing to do.

  2. How about Social Equality.

  3. White men controlled the society, its culture and its values. Their views were based on 4 thousand years of western civilization. In every society the views of women are different from men's. Women are the liberalizing force, male energy the static or preservation force. All male dominated societies today are at odds with change. Women embrace and cause change. The New Left, read on Antonio Gramsci, knew that by activating this force Western civilization would and could be slowly modified.  

    Our government knows it too, thats why we push so hard for woman's rights in the Middle East or anywhere we want change.  We also push for minority rights because it helps weaken/divide the power structure. The White males also knew that once blacks could vote they were equal in all regards. The music, dress, language, values, attitudes to s*x, structure of the nuclear family, religion, immigration, all would change . In addition black males would now compete for white women. Racism was really a way for white men to maintain the status quo. So was sexism. Without either beliefs in place things  will change right down to the color of America. the ramifications measured over time will show how western civilization gave away its land, wealth, and genetics to the rest of  the world. Note Middle East, Africa, Asia have not gone down this path.

  4. The theory of the liberal framers of the Constitution was that through participation in the selection of those who govern, they will learn to make themselves informed about the issues affecting their personal interest and vote for politicians that support the position they desire.  Over time, it was thought, the citizenry would become much more active in the whole processs of running the country and thus, avoid a dictatorship thru political laziness and ignorance.  The experiment is still ongoing with spotty results so far.

  5. White, landed gentry don't get to run everything strictly for their benefit now. (Pretty much, though.)

    Women are humans first, then have their roles, jobs and responsibilities.  There jobs and views and roles are different from men's but no less important--at least to them.

    Blacks are human then,have their jobs, roles and responsibilities. There color matters--at least to them.

    Social ramifications? We all get to participate in the country of our birth.  We all can vote and complain and make changes or leave things as they are.

    We were not ALLOWED to vote. We fought and were jailed and beaten to be treated with the same respect that white men got for just breathing. White men got that vote by dying in battle against the British (alongside women and people of color.) and forming a union that GAVE them the right to vote.

    Nobody allowed me anything. I am a human and entitled to human dignity and the same privileges and duties as any other person in the United States.

    It was a long time coming and there is still a lot of unequal treatment for EVERYONE, but it is a system that works, if we WORK it.

    Read, care, vote, and live in the United States.

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