
What have been the three most important achievements of the United States government?

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What have been the three most important achievements of the United States government?




  1. good:

    -end of slavery in the country


    -murderous foreign policy

    -maintenance of oppressive domestic institutions

  2. Well since 2001 the govenrment has been trying hard to:

    1) Destroy the U.S. economy, and ultimately the world economy.

    2) Set up martial law.

    3) Depopulate the useless eaters of the world.

    They haven't achieved these goals yet but are working very hard to complete them for us, i hope it comes soon, i just can't wait any longer.  I hate freedom.

  3. Improperly educating its citizens.

    Extorting money from its citizens under the "color of law"  to become the richest most powerful nation in the world.

    Convincing everyone that our news media isnt government supported propaganda.

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