
What have been your best wind up's? here's one of mine?

by  |  earlier

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Years ago my freind Phil and I were mistaken for being the 2 pilots

who were taking people on joyride flights from Blackpool airport to the tower and back.

As we were standing there a Father and his 2 small boys came over to us.

The father asked what time we were taking off??

I explained to the father that it was all dependant on Pilot 2 (Phil)

as he had blacked out last night and it appeared his heart condition was


The father asked if he should be flying with his condition??

I explained that should Pilot 2 black out during flight?the rapid decent engages the reverse rotor

system and brings the craft relatively safely to the ground

and at worse you may receive back injuries??

The father thought this was diabolical and couldn't believe we were

so blasé over the whole thing!!

He grabbed his kids and said you will be hearing more from me when iv'e spoken to

the local authorities over this!!

To say the least he was a little IRATE!!!




  1. About twenty years ago i worked in a hotel as a chef. One day one of the chefs tied a couple of raw sausage to a string and tied them around his waist so the sausage were positioned just in front of his groin. He then put his apron over the top of them and put some grease on his face. The next time he walked over to a group of waitresses one of them pointed out the grease on his face so he lifted his apron to wipe his face and the waitresses caught sight of his `sausage`. A couple screamed and one actually fainted. It was an all time classic.

  2. Lol, that's a great one!  My parents played a great trick on my grandparents.  My mum and dad hadn't told them that they moved house.  They invited my grandparents over for tea and offered to pick them up.

    My parents then told them that they were looking after their friends pets and had to go and feed them, but really they were taking them to their new house.

    So when they got there my grandparents still didn't twig, even though the cat and dog were my parents which they had seen many  So my mum asked if they would like a cup of tea and they were unsure whether to say yes as they thought it was someone elses house, then my mum started rummaging around in the cupboard, pretending to look for biscuits.

    They still didn't twig, so my mum took my nan out into the garden and offered to take cuttings from the plants for my nan to My dad had to tell them in the end.  This was about 15 years ago and my grandad still brings it

  3. 1st Guy: I dreamed I am with 50 Miss  Universe contestants and they're all in Bikinis.

    2nd Guy: So what's the problem?

    1st Guy: I won the contest

  4. at a house party i saw some vitamin c tablets on the table, so i took some and pulled 2 of my mates into another room and said " just play along". i got one of my friends who is a girl and said " look i got some E's to take" she proceeded to take them and later when she thought she was going to die we told her they were only vitamin C.

  5. I am a keen astronomer, and a few weeks ago there was a partial eclipse of the sun; I took a camera and a special filter and took a sequence of photos. I was quite pleased with the result, and I showed them to some of my students. The point is that the filter is so strong that only the sun's disk shows up, as a pale yellow circle on a black background.

    One of my students, although impressed to see a 'bite' taken out of the sun, was puzzled as to why the sky was black. I explained that the sun is so brilliant it is dangerous to look at it through any optical instrument, so for safety's sake I only ever photograph the sun at night.

    'Ah, of course!' He said, completely satisfied with the explanation. He still hasn't twigged!

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