
What have i done to my hand...please read!?

by  |  earlier

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2 weeks ago exactly i hurt my hand playing sports, the pain was awful at the time but my hand swelled up on the inside and out but the inside was more swollen, my hand was badly bruised at both sides, now (2 weeks on) my hand has a cramp feeling all the time and i cant put any pressure on my middle 2 fingers, i wake up through the night with the pain of moving my blanket on me as i sleep!

the pain is worse though when i bend my middle finger and move it horizontally, and when i press on the inside of my middle fingers knuckle i get a sharp pain which gets sharper as i just release the pressure?

do you think ive broke a bone, tore ligaments or just bruised it?




  1. it sounds like nerve damage to me  

  2. you probably broke a couple bones. you need to go to your doctor now!!!!! if you dont you will be in a lot of pain and your bomes might grow wierd...

  3. You need to get your arm  and hand xrayed. No one on the internet can really help you. It might be a fracture or ligament strain.  Only a Dr can diagnose your problem. Your pain could also come from decreased movement because of the severe pain you have. You are probably not using it because of the pain..Get it checked out then go see a physiotherapist.  Good luck

  4. the same thing happened to my wrist ice it bring it to your doctor and ask him what to do then make sure that you wrest it  

  5. Or all of the above. Time to go to the hospital and get xrays done.

  6. Well if you want a professional answer on here i'll give you one, the odds of a break are pretty good, the fact that your still able to use it helps to break the odds on permanent nerve damage however that's not always the case, because I don't know your medical history and I'm not able to view the x-rays I can't make an exact diagnosis but you need to go get x-rays, odds are you've got fractured carpals or finger bones.  Feel free to get back to me with any more information that you have, motrin 600-800mg every 4-6 hours for pain and inflammation and ice until you can be seen.  Orthopedics may need to be consulted.

  7. I'm a Medic prof. sounds to me like you have a severe case of diarhea, I recommend taking plenty of fluids, and chopping off your hand.

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