
What have men done to have more rights (than women) in the first place?

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And what have women done *or going to do* to deserve equal rights as a man?




  1. Judging by the answers here, it's all about how powerful men are physically.  They just beat women into submission over the centuries.

  2. guys were in power first so they made rules to suit them.

    girls get preggers and then have to take a couple months off for the baby

    guys can provide unwavering attention to their job.

    i think females have all the rights that wee need. we can have a job, vote, own property...actually i cant see any rights that guys have that we dont.

  3. It is my personal belief that the patriarchal society stems from physical abilities. Because men are traditionally bigger and stronger than women in the olden days, they took charge. Think of the times of Beowulf. Society exists in chaos when there is no consistency. People need a leader and are willing to sacrifice personal liberties for consistency. The prime concern of the time was not who made better arguments, but who was a better hunter and protector-- this man became the leader. Tradition held things in place once society advanced.  This is not science, its my personal thoughts on the matter- feel free to disagree.

  4. Men are expected to pay for dates, raise the family pay the bills, we better be getting a bigger paycheck ***dammit

  5. Yeah society 'looks down on physical displays of dominance'-- until you need someone to catch that burglar for you, or fight that war for you, or save your son from the 5th story of that building, or carry that lumber on the construction of that new housing tract, or catch that touchdown pass for your entertainment.

    .. Yeah physical prowess is absolutely useless in our graduated society.

  6. we are bigger, stronger,  therefore we survive better

    women are people too, and darwin no longer applies therefore the weak are equal to the strong

  7. women "owned" sexuality, reproduction and the home.

    men went off and busied themselves with ideas and found that they too could have areas which they could own.

    simple as that.

    once men had made life and work easy enough for women to operate on their own, they began to covet our developments and now seek to own those too.

  8. kigfvbweufcvqajmnciwytedgfchbweygfvwh wehrfiucbwrulqnhevhjb siuyfdhvjiwehrf ewiuegwflewhbg rghreybgf2grfb f1o3hrbfo84g, oyufgvdefv2hg 2rgf23ioyf 3rygrgyt623gry6732gy3g2ediy67g3b2tiyfrbd... c7e6retrnygfc7eshjjueie4iue4iurmd cdrju8edmcnf8i5tmcnmc jrr9u8jw3465f356587ryv34yv587r4hyw8v7tb9... brc875 54tfryy34v 63g 57f2 8o4r y4brf yu3cv4br fch3b rd9f

  9. Well after having such wonderful men like Hitler,Mussolini,Gengis Khan and many other power hungry men it could be said what have men done to deserve their right as the so-called intelligent species.

    You only have to look at the difference between the king of England and compare them to the queens and who benefited their country the most to see who deserve more rights.

  10. You are here are you not?

  11. Woman already have equal rights, they have more rights than men in court. A crime committed by a man is punished harder than the same crime done by a woman.

    In divorce court women have the advantage because they get at least 50% of the money most of the time more because of the alimony. The woman get's automatically the custody of children (she must be really messed up if she doesn't get the children).

    Each year within the United States there are 300,000 DNA paternity tests taken to find out if the man that is paying child support is the father of the child. 30% of the tests taken prove that the man paying child support is not the father.

    After the test that proved the man isn't the father the majority of men still have to pay child support. This because of reasons such as: The child has build a relationship with the man, or ''It's in the best interest of the child.'' This isn't right the woman knew she cheated and gets the reward.  The appropriate action would be: the woman has to pay back the money to the man.

  12. Biologically we are bigger faster and stronger. Although now its essencially useless since everyone looks down on physical displayes of dominance. in past eras of our history the biggest and strongest would be the leader of what ever type of society was around. Although times ahve changed alot some traditions die hard although dowery went away which sucks. i would love to get paid to get maried heh.In the west its pretty even if you look at good sources of information although its very easy to twist numbers so you would prolly be better off asking your friends if they feel oppressed to the point of action.

  13. It started in ancient times when men had the strength to protect women and the responsibility of leading their tribes as the physically stronger one.

    It molded into habit and subconsciousness-- people expect men to carry the heavy things, do the hard physical labour and excel better in almost everything (especially sports). The advantageous lead men had on women and the concept of the strong taking the lead (and the rights and privileges) have been embedded too deeply into the mindsets of everyone, not just the males.

    It's not wrong for women to ask for "equal rights", seeing that women suffer throughout their life time (periods, pregnancy, etc) to make sure men don't extinct. And trust me, coming from a female, you guys know nothing about the pains it takes to keep men alive, literally.

    Just that women shouldn't just blindly yell out "give us equal rights" when some of them don't even have what it takes to earn those rights. There is a reason why male-dominance lasted for so long. Females should prove themselves as worthy before shouting for "equal rights".

    The bit about males having to go for army and females exempted from such a practice? Pleas take note that we didn't set that rule. The males did. They see it as their duty as the more physically gifted gender to protect their homeland. We're just letting the pros do their work. But isn't it also loosening up? There is an increasing number of female soldiers in the recent years.

    & the part about genius scientists being mostly men? It's because females don't have the privileges of getting educational opportunities that were given to men then.

    Plus-- not all men are Einsteins, Mozarts or Newtons. Why should all men be credited with the contributions of the rare minority geniuses who have contributed the world not to make men's lives better but for the betterment of the world in general?

  14. Women traditionally do not want equal treatment.  They ask for equal treatment and same pay, but yet they still want to be treated like a woman.  A woman still wants to have things bought for them, and dates paid for.

    I think the reason that men are viewed as having more rights, is because men, traditionally, are the money makers in a relationship.  

    If women want equal treatment, then I think they should be treated the same on ALL counts.

  15. nothing, becouse woman is a woman, she has to have respect for man, its just cant be equal

  16. in the first place, it was strength.... now women are equal on paper but...

  17. Men are required to enter war service. Women may volunteer.

    Until women are required to die for their country, the entire concept of equality, and all of feminism is a lie.

  18. Men and women, statistically speaking, are different. There are always exceptions. Women tend to be less robust in build than most men and therefore a job that requires a great deal of physical stress or that a person use their weight would be better suited for a man.

  19. Throughout most of history, the majority of men had fairly limited rights.  In the Uk, for instance, most men did not get the vote until the late 19th century, only about forty years or so before women got the vote here.

    As far as political rights go, it is pretty much the case in all societies, and throughout history, that political power has been in the hands of men (although only ever a limited number of men).  Even in ancient Athens, where all male citizens could vote, there were still large numbers of men who could not vote, slaves for instance who made up 50% of the population of Athens, and men who were foreigners (i.e. from other Greek city-states).  

    The idea that all adults regardless of class or gender should have a say in the government of the country is a comparatively recent one.  Until fairly recently, most men did not have a voice in the government of most countries, any more than women did.

    As far as other rights go, to property, divorce, etc, those have varied a good deal from place to place and time to time.  In ancient Rome for instance, the Emperor Augustus made it compulsory for a man to divorce his wife if she committed adultery, and criminal charges would be brought against her if she was divorced for that reason.  She would usually lose part of her dowry, and be exiled, as would her lover.  On the other hand, although a woman could divorce her husband for adultery, it was not compulsory, and no criminal charges would be brought against him.

    It is certainly not true (as a comment above suggests) that women have not contributed anything to society.  Woman's role has been vital throughout most of history, from the gathering done by women in hunter-gatherer days, through the production of foodstuffs and clothing that was woman's major contribution throughout the medieval and early modern period, not to mention caring for the sick, and rearing the children.

    In the American colonies, the colonists would never have survived without the work done by women.  In 1619, the Virginia House of Burgesses, petitioning that wives as well as husbands be eligible for grants of free land, argued that in a new plantation "it is not known whether man or woman be the most necessary".  Women's role in cloth production was particularly vital in the colonies, where cloth was in such short supply that law suits were fought over a hole burnt in a blanket or a missing handkerchief.  And the informal barter economy practised by colonial women was absolutely vital to the colonies survival.

    The modern idea is that women 'deserve' equal rights because they are of equal value to society as men are.  Which is true.  Few women may have made major discoveries in comparison with those of men, but what of it?  Comparatively few men have made major discoveries, if it comes to that.  Legal and political rights are not bestowed only on men of genius, but on all men.  Why should it be any different for women?

  20. Question #1:

    Patriarchial society.

    Question #2:

    Humans are entitled to the same rights in any given society regardless of race, creed, colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender...  These are human rights.

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