
What have some of you single moms do to get back at your dead beat child dad?

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i'm very angry with my daughter dad for slowly becoming a dead beat. cause he did take care of her. but since i broke up with him he acts like he cant do anything for her.and he makes good money!!! no excuses




  1. Just keep praying.  It's really not worth being  angry and bitter over, all you can do is be the best mom you can be.  Go through with the child support case, but focus on what you can do to take care of your daughter.  You can't change him.  He may always be like this, or he may change in a few years.  

    My husband and I divorced when our kids were 4.  He paid his child support but spent very little time with them.  But now they are 7 and he keeps his regular visits and does stuff with them.  I think he just found it too hard taking care of them when they were younger.  But now they calmer, they listen more, they can do more; I think he enjoys spending time with them now.  Also, I think it took him a long time to heal from the break-up, he was soooo bitter with me for a long time!

  2. take him to court get child support

  3. Well nothing.  he abandoned me when I was 14 weeks along.  I am now 32 weeks along.....the only revenge I intend to get is taking his *** to court for child support.  And that's not revenge, that's justice.  ;)

    *edit*  I confess to occasionally thinking to myself that if I ever see him in person again, I will fix it so he cannot have children.....ever.  With a dull knife and no anesthetic.  However, that is only wishful thinking.

  4. do u have a child support order ... if u dont then u need to get one . go to family court  so he has to do things for her and if he dont he'll get locked up

  5. It is called CHILD SUPPORT!  Call your local office and get it set up.  If he doesn't  want nothing to do with her guess what he is missing out not your little girl.  He is a loser and good thing he choose not to be around your daughter to be that way.

  6. he's mad at you for breaking up with him that's clear because he isn't taking care of your child. talk to him and let him know that even though your not together you can still care for your child. you can also take him to court for child support call him and tell him what you need there are lots of things but personally trying to hurt him isn't  going to help it's just going to make it worse

  7. Just make sure he is paying child support and not getting away with stiffing you on it.

    I wouldn't recommend that you "get back" at him though - your number one consideration has to be your child. Being all spiteful and whatnot towards baby daddy isn't going to be good for your family. Just move on with life as best you can - that is what your child needs.

  8. File for full custody. Explain to  the courts that he is not acting on his parental rights of taking care of the child so why should he have them. IT sounds harsh but believe me it will wake him up he cares about his child. Typically the threat alone and filing the court papers is enough to straighten him out unless he honestly doesn't care about the wellbeing of the child and spending time with her.

    If you can't see yourself doing that to them then the most you can do is go through with Child Support. You have to stay on top of the courts though when dealing with child support becasue they will have your money backed up for years.

    My mother receives back pay from my brother's father until my brother turns 24. And the stopping point is 18. So be careful.

  9. The best thing that you can do is file for child support - ignore him like he ignores you and move on to bigger and better things.

    There is nothing that gets to a dude more that you showing him that his actions can't hurt you or stop you from being all that you can be.

    Hopefully you've got a new man by now... concentrate on the new guy - if there isn't one start dating , going out with friends, go back to school - anything to occupy your time when you aren't caring for your daughter.

    But yeah.... ignore the sucker and let child support get you the financial support you need -

    If he wont support his daughter emotionally - then you have a big decision to make - part time dad or no dad until he straightens up and flies right - which may be never, are you prepared for that reality................

    Single mom in your corner..................

  10. Everyone has already said child support and you have filed, just have to wait for it now, so I won't go that route.  Really though, is filing for child support technically "getting back" at him, no, it is him taking the minimum amount of responsibility for his offspring.

    My suggestion to you would be, raise your child with the best intentions, don't ask him for anything.  You and your daughter don't NEED him right?  The big payback will come when he sees this beautiful, wonderful little girl that was raised to be awesome and conscientious WITHOUT him.

  11. I am glad to see you filed for child support. Be sure to get back due support as well... this can be issued in most states from birth!!

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