
What have the philippine government done with malnutrition in the philippines?

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what are specific laws, regulations, programs, or any effort on the part of the philippine government that tries to solve or alleviate the problem of malnutrition? can you give me sites that I can use as references?





  1. Actions have been done to alleviate malnutrition by different government agencies. The most dominant actions have been done by the Department of Health (link below). Some of these actions were pronounced by Leticia Ramos Shahani in her speech at the World Food Summit (link below). There are also steps done by the Nutrition Center of the Philippines (link below). Here are the other government agencies that may help with malnutrition: Department of Health (DOH), National Nutrition Council (NNC), Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI), National Anti Poverty Commission (NAPC), Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), Nutrition Center of the Philippines (NCP) and Secura Philippines, Inc (link below)

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