
What have the police done for you that makes them so great?

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Have the police ever benefited you in any way?




  1. Every day, they take bad people off the road, and put them where they belong.   If it wasn't for the police, no body would be safe.

  2. Wow. For the people that have posted saying that they do nothing, especially for the person that is suing them, you are very ungrateful.

    I will risk my life every d**n day to clean up the streets. I will save someones life by putting someone behind bars that needs to be (Example: I'll catch a DWI before they kill someone. I'll arrest some nut case before they commit murder)

    Police are always the ones that people blame when something goes wrong (Which half of the time, is the persons fault. You did the crime, own up to it) and we are the first people YOU call when you need help!

  3. they keep the idiots like drunk drivers off of the road so they dnt get in a wreck and kill somebody and when something horrible happens that we civillians would run from turn around next time and you'll c them running rite towards it

  4. No, but I don't really expect them to. If I want a friend I go find someone else, usually. Someone else will hear me out, and that's not the police's job. They really serve the interests of the "law" not me or any other specific person.

  5. arrested me, failed to follow protocol now I'm suing them....

    If you knew what happened you wouldn't be calling me ungrateful.  I had aspirations of becoming a police officer..just 2 days before I was arrested I was on the police website. I was the one that called emergency and I was the one who got arrested, along with my friend who was assulted.

    SO. Not every cop is a hero. In fact yesterday I read an artical about one of the AFP (Australian Federal Police) raped a kid. If you say that's great then you are sick and twisted and need help.  Not all cops are tops....and it's the ones who do the wrong things that bring down the rest of the force.

    Laws are put in place for a reason.  If I don't obey the law, then I expect punishment.  The cops didn't follow the law that night either, so now they can expect consequences as well.  My life has been thrown upside down and I've basically been a prisoner in my own home.

    I had full respect for the "pigs" before the night they unlawfully held me in custody.

  6. Yah they raised me, put a roof over my head, clothed me, gave me food(my family is police) and if thats not what your looking for, they saved my life when I was drowning.

  7. They haven't done anything for me.

  8. I guess this can be answered by asking: "Would you speed if there were no cops?"  How about breaking into circuit city to take that new big screen TV.... Well, neither would anyone else.  Police have kept order in every civilization since the beginning of recorded history.  Let's keep it that way.  

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