
What have women invented?

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Get over yourself "TAG". No reason to get all defensive. I'm asking for the purposes of writing a report. It's not my fault if your gender hasn't made anything interesting enough for my topic. It's certainly not chauvanistic. I asked in a completely nonconfrontational and unbiased manner.




  1. I suppose it depends on what you regard as 'of massive importance' but here are a few female inventors and their inventions to consider:

    Mary Anderson - Invented the windshield wiper.

    Virginia Apgar - Invented the Apgar scoring system for newborns.

    Patricia Bath - invented the method of using lasers to remove cataracts.

    Patricia Billins - invented Geobond which is a fire resistant building material used worldwide.

    Katherine Blodgett - invented the first 100% transparent (non-reflective) glass, which is used to reduce distortion in eyeglasses, microscopes, telescopes and camera and projector lenses.

    Josephine Cochran - invented the dishwasher.

    Martha Coston - invented Maritime Signal Flares.

    Marie Curie - discovered Radium and Polonium and their medical applications (not an invention per se, but electricity and physics are not inventions so much as discoveries.)

    Gertrude Elion - invented the leukemia-fighting drug 6-mercaptopurine and drugs that facilitated kidney transplants.

    Helen Free - invented the home diabetes test.

    Bette Nesmith Graham (mother of Mike Nesmith of the Monkees) - invented Liquid Paper (aka white out).

    Elizabeth Lee Hazen and Rachel Fuller Brown - invented the anti-fungal drug nystatin which has been used to cure many disfiguring and disabling fungal infections as well as being used to treat Dutch Elm's disease and restore water-damaged artwork from the effects of mold.

    There are more of course, but that's a start.

  2. apart from disposable diapers the first computer language and the mars rover there is Mary Anderson the windshield wipers,Gertrude Elion the drug 6-mercaptopurine for fighting leukemia, Rachel Fuller the antibiotic Nystatin, Bette Nesmith whiteout or liquid paper,Patricia Bellings geobond,Josephine Cochran the dishwasher, Dianne Croteau the cpr mannequin. Helen Free the home diabetes test just to name a few what have you invented lately a cure for chauvanism

  3. well dont kno but lets just say i CANT LIVE WITHOUT WOMAN =P

  4. Disposable nappies, liquid paper (correction tape/fluid), windscreen wipers.

  5. check this out

  6. Enchiladas.

  7. nothing but doggy style.... whores

  8. Makeup.

  9. One famous inventor is:

    Hedy Lamarr (the actress)

    Pioneered wireless communication networks

    Stephanie Kwolek

    Invented Kevlar

    Mary Anderson

    Inventor of Windshield Wipers

    Dr. Grace Murray Hopper

    COBOL Computer Language

    Just to name a few........

  10. Nobody "invented" electricity, physics or philosophy.  And are you speaking of specific inventions, or scientific discoveries?

    Until about 1840, only 20 patents were issued to women. The inventions related to apparel, tools, cook stoves, and fire places.

    That being said, some inventions by women include:

    A deep-sea telescope and lamp that enabled sea-going vessels to survey the depths of the ocean. 1845

    Pyrotechnic flares that allowed naval ships to communicate by night.  (This patent was purchased by the US Navy.)  1871

    Hedy Lamarr (yes, the actress) invented a secret communication system in an effort to help the allies defeat the Germans in World War II. The invention, patented in 1941, manipulated radio frequencies between transmission and reception to develop an unbreakable code so that top-secret messages could not be intercepted.

    Julie Newmar (yes, the actress) patented super-sheer pantyhose.  May not seem like a lot to you, but it was to lots of women!

  11. try this site:

  12. The box. The box controls all men.  

  13. simple answer: NO

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