
What have you donated lately?

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I LOVE helping others less forunate. I try to give often. It makes me feel wonderful, knowing that I was able to help out, someone enduring hard times! Here are just some of the things I have done to donate to others.

I donated my kidney 5 years ago to my sister

I donated 37 coats for Coats for Kids in our area

I donate canned goods in our local food shelter

I donated 30 toys for Toys for Tots for Christmas

I donated my used cell phones to a local womens abuse center

I also donated childrens and womens clothing to the womens abuse center

When I was in high school my friends and I skipped school to rummage through my mom and dads kitchen and also through their closets for any ugly clothes, and we gave these items to a homeless man that was living in his truck- He was excited and happy and so were we.

My next goal to donate blankets to the homeless living on the streets.

It doesn't have to be a holiday to donate. So make someone in need happy and donate something today!




  1. I LOVE Donating too! :) I've donated 4 boxes of brand new teddy bears to charities that give them to homeless and abused children.

    I donated a big box of "Tiny treasures", (Soaps, Shampoo, Conditioners, Toothbrushes, etc.) To a Homeless shelter in PA.

    I buy 3 toys a week, and I save them for a year! So I always have an abundant amount of toys to donate to toys for tots. :) My closet looks like a toy store!  

    I also buy a bunch of brand new baby clothes and send them to a children's hospice in England. As well as arts and crafts, stickers, toys, games, dolls, and coloring books.

    I donate to the Pencil Project. Pencils, Pens, and tons of school supplies

    I collected Christmas cards from everyone, (I've generously received 5000 of them!) And donated them to 3 children's hospices and a kindergarten teacher. :)

    I buy 50 raffle prizes a year to raffle off at my annual 4th of July picnic. All proceeds go to the Demelza House Children's Hospice in England.

    I donate 3 checks a year to Demelza House.

    Me and my friends save our coins for a year, and one year, we were able to send them a check for 900.00 :)

    I also make Handmade cards and jewelry, and address labels, with the money raised going to charity.

    Charity's my life. I LOVE It. :)

  2. income tax and national insurance for the less needy in europe

  3. i donate to rspb,national trust,ncdl and wwt (wetlands and wildfowl trust)i donate to charities that are part of my life i dont donate to kids in africa etc i would rather see my monies go to use in things i am intrested in and can make this country rspb/wwt help birds/wildlife national trust keep buildings and land intact making our surroudings pleasent and ncdl is a dog charity helping strays/sick dogs.we also donate clothes and bric a brac to rspca for same reasons

  4. well... to be honest i havnt donated anything yet, but this evening i hvae signed up to take part in this years race for life to raise money for cancer research. i want to raise £200 and if i dont get enough then i'll add the difference. so many peoples lives these days are affceted by cancer and i want to help those who are fortunate enough to be able to have it treated.

  5. I did the shoe box appeal at the local church. I also donated unwanted christmas gifts and things that I no longer use to the local charity shop. Im also going to do the race for life and hopefully donate some money to cancer research. May God reward you in Heaven.

  6. Sorry, I probably sound mean but don't mean to be but find it hard that someone comes on with all these I donated ............... I know you have done a lot of good but I think the majority of people would never broadcast what they donate. Okay we don't know who you are and you do deserve a lot of credit but I feel if you wanted information all you had to say was the first line of your question - What have you donated lately?  It reminds me of the bible and the Widows mite (not sure if spelt correctly) where the rich man gave a lot and ensured God knew about it and the widow gave her mite which in actual fact was 100% of what she had.  It's easy to give if it doesn't hurt. I am not being judgemental as I do not know your circumstances but I think on reflection you will think it came over badly. Best Wishes.

  7. took loads of clothes and shoes to the local goodwill

  8. I currently donate 90% of my income to pay another man to sleep with my former wife and potentially abuse my kids. All this while I often live homeless and they are in the upper middle income range with multiple incomes and two homes.

  9. Took loads of clothes and shoes along to the local PDSA, and regularly donate to the RSPCA by direct debit.

    I also donate towards an animal rescue centre in Sotira, Cyprus.

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