In my 28 years on this planet I have cleaned up numerous dumps where hillbillies with a truck load of trash have dumped it along the road, probably picked up over 250 trash bags of $hit icluding tires and appliances, picked up beer cans and helium baloons in the woods, old fishing line and lures, shotgun shells, etc. I do more than just buy carbon credits. My wife and I own a Trailblazer that gets 17 mpg and a Civic that gets around 36 mph. I dedicated a large amount of my teenage years cleaning up around my neighborhborhood and since going to college and moving out, others have taken over. I am not a save the planet nut job, and I think global warming is the biggest lie going. I am a geologist btw and I clean up soil and groundwater contamination for a living. I consistantly vote Republican as do most of my co-workers. How can liberals bash us for not caring about the environment? I believe in doing more tangible things like picking up trash than freaking out over CO2.