
What have you done to cut back on Living Expenses?

by  |  earlier

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Our family has: (2 adults and 2 kids)

1. We don't go riding around as much as we us to.

2. We us to go out to eat at least 3 times a week. (Guess what? My wife and I have even lost weight)

3. Switched over to magicJack for all our Local and Long Distance Calling. We still have all the features as before, but now we only pay 19.95 a year for phone service. (I bought mine from this person. this is his e-mail

4. Did not take our yearly vacation this year. We usually go somewhere real nice for abut two weeks.

5. Canceled cable.

That's about what we have done to help out on our spending. You know what, our family has gotten a lot closer. We are now starting to do things more as a family then what we us to. I know, we did not go on vacation.... but we play more board games, go to the park/water park a lot. Just seem like our live became more simple and now we are enjoy each other more.




  1. Almost all my electronics are plugged into 4 power strips. If I am not using them I shut off the power strip. Cell phones, TVs micro wave,  play station etc all use electricity when left plugged in. I took a plastic floating raft and folded it up - then blew it up in the fireplace to reduce draft. Cut trips to the store to twice a month. Cut grass about every two weeks instead of once a week. Cut out HBO and Stars and went to Net Flix. Dropped the long distance unlimited plan on land line. (have to go outside to use cell for long distance). Planted a large garden for the first time. (this really helps) and tastes better. Shop on line more when there is free shipping. And yes - gave up on vacation. Doing my own oil changes every other time. Every 5,000 miles instead of every 3,000. All the lights I use have switched to the energy efficient bulbs. In the future I will replace my appliances to energy star. Next care will be a prius or equivalent. We to have started playing scrabble and putting together puzzles. Reading more.    Running around is a past way of life. I don't mind the changes that much.

  2. I bet all your positive changes are similar to what millions of others are doing... I'm bailing on cell phones, unnecessary trips, "luxury" items of all kinds.

    My gut instinct--since I don't watch TV and get my news via print and radio--is that 90% of the families in the US are either in a pickle already or will be in the next 12 months.

    Groceries, medicines, fuels, all basic "life" items have skyrocketed. I first noticed it way back in 2002. From '02-'07 I felt a steady rise, and 2008 has been a springboard right into a pool of disaster. Many friends have claimed bankruptcy at least once, and I'm headed right in the same direction via the fuel, food, basics, and "healthcare highway" (and I'm healthy!)our govt. has paved the way for simply by printing more and more currency with nothing to back it up. Need more cash? Send an E.O. over to the US Treasury and they'll happily print 500 tons of $100.00 bills. I've been to the BoP&E in Washington D.C., taken the really neat tour, and saw the presses kicking out major stacks... We're definitely in the best place in the world and I'm a GGGGG Son of a Rev. soldier. My American flag runs high, but I wonder about 2 things; does anyone know why we dumped the gold standard in 1932 ('33) and the silver standard in 1964?

    God Bless you all, GLGH.


  3. We started really comparing the prices at the grocery store and are buying the cheapest things we can find.

    We also didn't go on our yearly vacation this year.

    We stopped going out to eat.

    I can't drive my car anywhere until school starts.

    That's all I can think of, though i'm sure there are plenty more things my parents are doing.

  4. Boy it is hitting us all isn't it!

    We don't drive around or drive long distances near as often. It has to be important and we try and handle all the business we can each trip.

    Groceries are crazy high! I only buy the meat on that's sale. I always plan my menu so I can prepare for a few real cheap meals. Ham and beans with fried potatoes and corn bread is pretty cheap.

    Pay bills on time so there are no late fees

    We no longer use credit cards

    For the vet I shop for the cheapest prices by phone then for products such as flea treatment and heartworm meds, I find the cheapest price online print it out and take it to the vet. They have to honor it now (by law). Just last week I bought a year worth of heartworm meds and frontline topspot and saved  $110!

  5. Gotten a job with R+B.   Now its a 300 foot walk to work.   Parked my truck in April and haven't put more than 100 miles on it since then.   Gas is probably getting pretty old in it, but like to think of that $2.89/gal.  gas in it.   My bike is going to need new tires soon though.

  6. i quit tipping the strippers down at my fav club

  7. 1. I live on campus and work from home - no need to drive

    2. Use less expensive store brands

    2. Cooking more, eating out less

    3. Got the basic cable package since I can't get local channels without it.

    4. Do not go to the salon, take care of my hair myself

    5. Will begin cutting coupons soon

    6. Utilize my local FreeCycle group for items, recently got a pair of rollerblades free

  8. I don't run my AC, I use ceiling fans, window fans, an attic fan, tinted my windows and strategically planted trees and bushes to shade my home.  I keep it at a comfortable 72-75 degrees on triple digit days at a fraction of the cost of running the AC.  I cut and use coupons whenever possible or use store brands, sale items and substitutions.  (the money I save I put into my savings).  I capture water, both in the house and the yard during the short rainy season to water my plants.  I grow my own veggies, citrus, avocado and herbs or buy local produce at the farmstands whenever possible. Whenever I over produce veggies or garden items, I share with my neighbors because that encouraged them to share their over production with me. I morph meals.  I use the main ingredients from one meal to turn them into at least 2 other meals during the week.  I stack my trips and don't drive unless it is totally necessary and work from home as often as possible.  I use OPG (other people's gas) when I know they have to go out to pick their kids up from school, I ask them to pick up a necessary item for me and do the same for them when I go out.  I have all of my vampire electronics on strips that I can turn off so they are sucking power while they are in the sleeper mode.  I use solar powered lighting in my landscape for safety and to spy on my doggies at night.  I recycle everything I can and try to get at least 3 additional uses out of even those items.  (i.e. I save old jars, wash them out and use them to share salsa with neighbors when I over produce tomatoes or bring a sick neighbor soup in them).  I changed out my incandescent light bulbs for more energy efficient ones, but don't turn on many lights at night because I use motion detecting LCD night lights to get around.  I only run full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine in the middle of the night when energy is cheaper.  I use the air dry cycle on the dishwasher and air dry most items from the laundry.

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