
What have you done to increase the Philippine's wealth and prestige?

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The Philippines is considered a poor and oppressed nation, it's people driven into international migration.

As an ordinary Filipino, what are you doing to alleviate this? What have you done to increase the Philippine's wealth and prestige?




  1. I send money to my  dependents back home. Banks  in the Phils. get certain percentage of that money in the form of service fee/bank transfer fee. My dependents will in turn spend the money which I work hard for, to buy food, and other things. Every time they  buy food/groceries, the supermarkets and departments stores  collect a  portion of that money  in the form of VAT (Value added tax) and businesses claims they are the one paying tax but actually it was from poor consumers.

    By sending money back home, I keep my dependents out from the streets, prevent them from becoming beggars.

    By being out of the country, I dont contribute  to  garbage problem of the country; because I don't consume food, the  rice that I was supposed to eat,  is being allocated to another Filipino.

    So there, that is my contribution to  my country.

  2. I charge Kanos 250 pesos for a pineapple!

    My brother refuses to use the meter in his taxi when a Kano gets in, and he charges 3 times what the trip is worth.

    We will make the Philippines Rich; 1 kano at a time!

  3. Well I'm not Filipino.

    I total disagree with the Kano System. When the lowest rung of society do the Kano system, what about those in charge at the top of the government also do the Kano system. Who wants to do business in the Philippines if the "Kano" system is more efficient then Filipinos helping foreigners? I'm a businessman and when i go to the Philippines for tourism. yet I see the people "kano" us, It makes me think twice to do business.

    You don't have to rich and powerful in order to make any changes. Start small, inspire those around you and let them inspire others. Just pray hard it don't die off somewhere.

    I'm sure all Filipinos plus all non-filipino who happens to spend money in the Philippines, did help in one way or the other to contribute to the country. Till now I didn't see anyone took any valuables from the Philippines overseas yet they are sending money, balikbayans sending items back home.

    I felt that your government had done insufficient for the people. They should do more but not in the expense of the people.

    Oh I visit Philippines few times a year. I make a little contributions each time. I spend though its not a lot. I always asked my friends to give the Philippines a visit and I've 5 of my friends who listened to me and experienced life in the Philippines. and they are generous to the Mr Filipino "Kanos". Hope Mr "Kano"s can do more to increase Philippines wealth and Prestige then "kanoing"

    I believe Tourism is the best way to bring up Philippines wealth and prestige. 7107 islands as a country, where in the world can beat this?

    Next is Business opportunities and to bring in foreign investment. Stability too.

    Thank you.  

  4. I realize that as an individual, there's not much I can do financially to effect a positive change to the overall health of my birth country.

    However, I do a simple thing.  I live in a foreign land.  Every day, when I go to work, socialize and at every occasion where I interact with non-Filipinos, I present myself as a humble, trustworthy, capable, conscientious person of high values and integrity--to the point that I actually mean it. I refrain from gossipping, lying and always consider the ethical approach to every situation.  I work as part of a team and never toot my own horn (other people can toot mine at their own intiative).  So one day, they ask me where "I'm from" and I tell them and I am not ashamed.

    In short, I represent Filipinos at their best, as a good people. Not as the swindlers, braggarts, liars and a disunited mutt race of people that our detractors would want us to be.  Unfortunately, some of us are such and these few are the reason we have a poor reputation to other nationalities.

    What I do every day may not mean a lot monetarily and contributes nothing to the country's "wealth and prestige", but those two words are empty qualities that cannot be equated to respectability and trustworthiness, which I seek for us.  

  5. I don't wanna bluff about things,

    so I'll cut the chase.


    I'm not a big shot folk --yet.

    I'm just a nobody for now.

    Once I gained enough power and status,

    I'll let you know.

  6. Well I have paid my taxes to provide funding for government projects and what not. That alone is enough contribution for a citizen to his country's wealth.

    To Filipinos, migration is a survival and I appreciate those who endures homesickness being in foreign lands to improve their family's lives instead of rallying/ protesting in the street that the government has done nothing to improve Filipinos lives.

  7. Plantation of Narra trees (for export furnitures), coconut trees (for export cooking oil, mainly), bananas plantation, animal raising and corn and rice fields since 80's.

    At 90's transportation business for Tourist, I owned Yacths for rent,

    mini bus for rent

    At 2000s, my passenger shipping business will soon to open.

  8. So far, I have done nothing. At 15, dependent to my parents and still studying. I am not yet paying taxes.  

  9. I am sending foreign currency on a regular basis.

    Am appealing to the United Nations to stop this international migration.

    Am also sending out travel brochures to places as far as the next Galaxy for inter stellars to visit the country, and pay in gold and diamonds, that ok with you?

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