
What have you done to make a difference in South Africa.?

by  |  earlier

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We are complaining about all the problems in the country and keep on saying that the government is not doing this and that but what have you done to better the country? Is it possible that you and I can make a difference?




  1. When I was still there, I did try to close the gap between us slightly. A group of black businessmen brought their cattle (in the end up to 40 !!) to "overnight" on our property. Because, if they had no place to keep their animals, they would not be allowed to keep them.  And for these 5 men their cattle were very important.  I tried to help with the younger children on the farm, getting the school inspector to get them to school.  

    If I had stayed in SA, I would dearly loved to have had a sort of "after school" project for the kids so that they could do their homework and have a good meal and such.

  2. Maybe if we all just try to be more tolerant to each others cultures, and show respect for other peoples, lives, needs and property, it would be a start

  3. I am a member of Business against crime  and also the community policing forum .

    Business against crime is a group of entrepreneurs that are bind by a strong code of conduct that radically reduces crime .It becomes a way of life .

  4. No it is not possible. The people are just too divided and angry and no one sticks together. Do you really think you could change the government's attitude? No way everyone is subjective. The best thing I did was leave.

    No matter how many multi cultural friends I had in RSA, I was always the white woman, the racist, the opressor. Even though I was only born in 1985! So imagine being blamed for something that happened before my time.

    Now I can live in a society where all colors, religions and nations live together quite happily.

  5. i have stayed home and not gone there.

  6. Yes i do nightwatch patrols in our area every weekend from around 20:00 to 3:00am depends on how busy it is

    We are working with the police and the security companies if we see anything suspicious we contact the police on the radio and they will come out and have look.

    We basically drive around the area ensuring that all the gates is closed etc if not we will ask the owner to close it.

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