
What have you done to reduce your fuel expenses?

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What have you done to reduce your fuel expenses?




  1. we take and go all the places we have to go in one trip. We walk to most places we have to go.

  2. consolidate my trips

  3. walk to places i want to go or ride a bike or run all my errands on certain days

  4. Made all my weekly trips into one

    Carpool with friends if they are going places i need to go

    No more driving for a short distance that i could just walk

    Bought a smaller, more fuel efficient car

    I'm sure there's other things i left out too.

  5. -Shut of your car at stop lights, as well as when you are going down hill.

    -Find the shortest possible trip everywhere.

    -Trade in car for low cost electric scooter.

    ...if you wanna be paranoid. lol

  6. I found out that if you pur you petrol in slowley you get more fuel. If you try to fil it up fast some of the petrol your paying for evapourates as fumes.....

  7. I don't drive around to places just for the fun of it anymore. I stay home more.

  8. bike to work

  9. Traded in our regular small SUV for a Hybrid SUV.

    Car pool to work.

  10. Bike to work

    Use car only for groceries, errands

    Use to take dogs to the beach after supper in we walk to park

    We use the push mower to mow grass

    Go 55mph ( and noticed other car are doing the same)

  11. Well, instead of wasting tons of money with pumping up your vehicle with gas so much, my best suggestion is to drive less and don't make so much trips.

    Most of the time I ride my tractor / lawn mower around to places just to stop with using so much gasoline. Then again, you don't really need to fill the whole gas tank up, save some money! Maybe this should have gave you some suggestions on what to do to conserve on gasoline.

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