
What have you found to be the most effective form of discipline?

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In different situations you probably use different methods. Have you found that some types of discipline don't work all the time or that different kids need different types of punishment? How do your kids feel about and react to discipline?




  1. 123 Magic!  I read the book years ago when we had a very difficult child in a child care center I worked in.  His grandparents let us borrow the book and we read it and it helped a lot!  I don't remember it really well, but the little bit I remembered helped a lot with my older 2 children and we are just starting it with the 3rd.  It's basically counting to 3 when the child is misbehaving and once you get to 3 there is a consequence.  It's great and we rarely ever made it to 3.  The consequence is often a time out.  We would send my son to bed which he didn't like (this was after he was too old for naps.)  The consequence can also be the end of something good or the taking away of something.

    Another thing that really helped was good communication.  My son would throw the biggest fits when we left somewhere fun.  So we found warning times ("we're leaving in 5 minutes) helped him realize the time was coming to an end and he didn't throw fits anymore.  But also communicating what is happening, what will happen and how things will happen will often help the little one know what is going on and there is less problems.  I find good communication even works when they are babies.  

  2. We use the "timeout" method on our 2yr old son.  He does not like to be in the other room sitting in a chair facing the wall, there is nothing to do in there.  That method has worked the best for us.  

  3. Do you mean punishment? The most effective is spanking. Not my only means of punishment, just my most effective. We have 3 daughters all under the age of 12 and all get wonderful reviews in regards to behavior

  4. I've found the most effective form of discipline uses both kindness and firmness in a way that allows the children to learn from their mistakes.  The goal of discipline is to teach the child while the goal of punishment is to make the child suffer as a form of retribution so I avoid punishment.  My children react much better to discipline when done with kindness and not anger.  

  5. Loads!  Some work better with one of my children than the other, it depends on the child.  

  6. Well, our son has some behavior issues because of DBD (disruptive behavior disorder) so we use a behavior chart that allows him to earn / lose points in order to do special things on the weekends.  As discipline itself, we start with time out / loss of privileges / loss of a special toy / loss of tv / early bed time / or in the extreme cases - has to spend the rest of the day in his toy room / bedroom.

  7. well i deal with a 4 year old so, i use time out mostly but also loss of a toy if she throws it or no tv for a few days, i perfer not to use "go to your room" 'cause your room is supposed to be a cool place to chill out so using that as a punishment place too? confusing isn't it?  

  8. I try to put the focus more on positive discipline.  When my son misbehaves, won't listen, etc., discipline is usually a time out or a loss of privileges, depending on what the infraction was.

    Patience and consistency are really the keys.  

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