
What have you found to help stop drug (abuse) cravings?

by Guest34105  |  earlier

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I work as a drug detox and rehab consultant and I am compiling helpful information for clients who are trying to end drug abuse. What have you found that has helped stop cravings?




  1. i stopped my cravings by eating something delicious:)

  2. i've been clean since 1984 and i still crave meth.the cravings don't go away i just ignore them when i'm fully awake.but its still the first thing i reach for when i wake up even though it hasn't been there on my night stand for 24 years.

  3. Try eating chocolate...

  4. it depends what they are craving though i would think .. you cannot really replace one thing with another they need to feel what they are feeling to get better .. face there cravings head on .. or else they wont be able to manage in future such as if you replace a drug with a bit of food .. they will turn obese in the end then revert back to that drug to make them feel better bout there weight gain, they have to face these feelings , deal with them , then they will eventually be able to say no! to the drugs that have ruled there lives .. if they done face these feeling then they will just turn from one evil to the next ... such as food .. it is good for you if you eat healthy though you shouldnt replace something with food as results in weight gain , sometimes deperssion depending what foods ... there are a hole list ...

    find out what they are really feeling and why they started taken in the first place ... they have to go back to the beginning in order to deal with today ... get them to face there demons , get them to talk about what they are feeling , but never replace a drug with something else it will work good for the short term but not to end up , get them a hobby or something every time they want to do drugs get them to think why, what drives them to it , what is maken them feel like they need it , it is not a easy thing but in time the temptation gets less , there will be times when they feel like they cannot go on butif you reach them how to face these problems and deal with the feelings that they are feeling then that will be a step in the right direction

    how ever if it is heroien and harder things then they will be drugs that will help them come off these a little easyer , such as methadone and others .

    good luck you are doing a good job , helping others ,

    hugs x

  5. have someone hide your paraphernalia and do more activities to keep your mind off it. it helped me. but this only works for weed because i haven't tried any other drug.

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