
What have you gained from hip-hop? ?

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I have gained a whole insight into a culture that I would not have been privvy to, in some ways, as white guy.

I've also learned to take my time...I am the kind of person that is used to soaking up all the information they can and analyzing it as fast as I can. With thousands of albums, hip-hop forces me to stay in for the long haul.




  1. I'm black, so I really didn't gain anything.  

  2. I have gained stronger thighs from dancing!, its a true statement.

  3. experience in doing crank dances and making up my own

  4. Tam, this is an awesome question.

    I've gained the desire to cultivate my love for poetry. Traditional poetry is inspiring, true, but "street poetry" has driven me to dig deep and seek change.




                     -REAL TALK-

  6. Knowledge about a great culture and a great genre of music

  7. i've gained one helluva awesome music collection

  8. Hip Hop saved my life...

    whats with all the thumbs down..

    not just mine either lol

  9. Passion.


    Work ethic.



    A goal.

    An open mind.

    Art over commerce.

  10. Hip hop to me is a culture. It is my way of life. I was born into it so I can't really say that I've GAINED something from it. It is who I am. Hence, the name on my avatar.  Me gaining something from hip hop would be like me gaining something from being black. It is who I am. Nothing gained, nothing lost.

    Now rap, on the other hand, is strictly a form of entertainment to me. I enjoy listening to it but I guess I get a little insight from it as well from rappers. Much the same way as I would get insight from reading a poem or a book.

    @Mike: If that is what you have gained from hip hop, then that is good. But I find that I can look at life philosophically, find out what's going on in society as a whole, and around the corner of the street just by watching the news or picking up a book. Don't get me wrong, hip hop DOES enlighten people to a different culture. But it is what I LIVE. I don't need to listen to Jeezy or Kanye to find out about the recession or politics. I know that just from watching the news and living life. For those that do need to listen to hip hop to gain insight to the world around them, that's fine. But hip hop is NOT the only vehicle to gain insight to the world's problems. Again, I have neither gained nor lost anything from hip hop. It is who I am.

  11. Rap which is a product of hip hop, has helped me to look at things for what they are.  Hip hop has saved my life!!!  Seriously though it did, because it motivated me to look at life in a philosophical way and see all the problems not just in mainstream music, but on the corner and society.  You can be black and still gain something from hip hop.  If you can't say you have, you truly didn't dive deeper into it.  Me being a person who wants to write great lyrics, just as Some (really a few) rappers do,  hip hop has pushed me to learn more about the world and different cultures and philosophies.  Even though we are plagued with dumbed down lyrics, you can still find some gems in the mix.

  12. Knowledge and peace within, skills that otherwise i'd never learn, and exposure to a culture that has changed the way I think, i understand a lot more about life, about politics, business, women, morals, and ethnic issues, Without hip hop, i'd be some lifeless creature like all the Soulja Boy fans, YOU AINT PAY YOUR DUES, WE AINT PAY YOU RESPECT, MONEY STOP THAT!

  13. Patience... Hip Hop was something I listened to when I was really young, and because it used to be about real life I felt Understood.  Alot of people who have grown up like I have understand the meaning Hip Hop has.  Not just money and houses, but living life in the ghetto.  I don't really know how to explain it, but I am glad Hip Hop is a part of my life.

  14. Beings that I am white, married to a African American Man for 20 years, having 2 grown Sons hip hop (the culture) has taught me very many lessons.  It has taught me that even though we "supposedbly" live in a world where racism exsists in minute amounts it's very untrue.  I have been blessed by the Lord many times over financially and with the love of my family and friends.  But I've seen things happen in the African American Community that has hastened me to make changes in my own corporation to do what I can to help make the small changes I can.  Rap in in i'ts lyrical sense gives the youth a way for them to express themselves in way that they may not be able to do in any other ways.  It also has been an outlet for many to make them rich and powerful.  Hip Hop is a culture of clothes and lifestyles that weaves together with rap and let's not only the youth, but also people my age enjoy the music and "learn" from the lyrics and beats.  I can take what I hear in the lyrics and try to do things to better the community around me so the "negative" things that are spoken of in rap can decerase.  I can also use the "negativity" and use it as a tool to talk to my Sons about what life is really about, the truth. It is a chance for young black designers to express themselves through clothing and shoe lines and handbag lines.  It brings money back into the black community.  I've learned good and bad.  But the one thing I have learned is that I adore Hip Hop & Rap and I won't stop.

    Peace & Love  :)

  15. nothing much...just learned to rap and juju

  16. Ive learned that hip hop these days is whats helping keep Blacks at the bottom because it fuels all the negative stereotypes about us. if all you have to talk about is rims, p***y, and money then what are you talking about we need to think people.

    Youre Welcome!!!

  17. i learned how to be poetic and examine the lyrics of music. it has helped me as an artist myself and improve in my English skills.

  18. Co-sign with Mr. T, he only got all those thumb downs because he spoke the truth.

  19. My wealth of knowledge has in no way, shape, or form increased from listening to hip-hop.

  20. a career dream  

    EDIT: i dont think that made sense, so let me redo this... hip hop helped me decide what i wanna do as a career, i wanna be involved in music.

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