
What have you given up (if anything) due to high gas prices?

by  |  earlier

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And what is the price of gas in your area?

I've had to cut back on driving and the gas price is $3.95/gal.




  1. My sanity!!!!

  2. Gas here in Ga is at $3.71 a gallon today it will probably be more in the morn, I have given up alot  i am having to sell one of my cars, we r not going on vacation, i cant just go to the store when i need to now  , alot of stuff is messed up because of gas being so high

  3. living in the city, I don't have a car.  so I haven't had to give up anything.

  4. i sold my truck which i really liked but it got really bad mileage and i knew if i kept it i would be driving it,gas prices here today hit the record high in Tennessee for the first time ever,they went to 3.87 for regular,that's totally ridiculous for a gallon of gas,but i figure it will go to 4 bucks before too long,and there's no real reason for it being like this,they just want to see how much we will actually pay for it,myself im about over their high prices,i,ll ride a horse if it gets any higher,good luck.

  5. I've cut back my speed (from 75mph to 65mph) and took off the roof racks to my truck. And I've had to cut back on unnecessary trips.

    Gas prices here are between $3.89/gal and $4.09/gal for regular unleaded.

  6. Gas= $3.95 or so. CA.

    Gave up going to the grocery store just for one or two items. Last night, not realizing we didn't have any sour cream for our fajitas- we just did without. I mean seriously- we ate fajitas without sour cream just because of gas prices- terrible!

    We only go shopping on the way home from work.

    We also gave up on driving down the coast for the h**l of it- by the time you do the math, you just spent $20-$25 for what?

  7. 7.5 USD/gallon

    I don't drive a car anymore. I use public transportation.

  8. cruising the streets just for the h**l of it..gas in Phoenix is at 3.49 right now...

  9. I've reduced driving signifacntly.

  10. I gave up driving to work, now I take the train. The price of gas here is $3.89. I live in Beverly Ma.

  11. $3.95 here too, we have had to cut back on everything and i had to get a part time job just to make up the difference.. : (

  12. Driving, yes driving I enjoy a quick run to the store, In the past my wife would say Oh we have to pick this up too. I would reply Oh I pop out tomorrow to get it I mean who wants to spend excessive time in a store If I missed some I can go again for ten minutes. Not not I make sure we have not miss a thing and If we need to stop by some where else on the way home we do instead of going back out a second time.

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