
What have you given up to offset the price of gas?

by Guest61702  |  earlier

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I dont really mean in driving a smaller car or keeping your car tuned up. I mean have you given up certain things in life to try to offset the rising cost of gas? Have you maybe given up smoking or drinking or something?




  1. Nice design, resourceful information,user-friendly layout should be a good solution to your questions.

  2. yes sadly but yes no more shopping for me..well not really i just do less driving if i go out i do most of my errands rather than going on different days

  3. nothing

  4. I only drive about 100 miles a week, so I haven't really had to sacrifice.

  5. iv gone from smoking a half a week to a quarter a week of ganja. now thats a sacrifice. . . lol

  6. Not much at all really. I have always coordinated my daily activities and commitments so as to make the best route possible.

    It isn't as simple as the shortest route either. That is a large factor of course but I also weigh in time of day versus traffic, stop signs and lights, plus population density.

  7. shopping every single weekend!!!

  8. I no longer support any charity now that we have become a 3rd world country.

  9. I have given up one mean per day.

  10. Well simply i dont drive as much.

    I have became more concerned about keeping my car tuned up and tires inflated right than i once was before as i know this will save gas.

    Luckily just by chance i happened to land a job less than 2 miles away from where i live, which is a big difference from my last job which was 15 miles away. This was by pure chance though-i really didnt go looking for a job that was close. I just lucked out.

  11. i have cut back on dining out, gave up monthly game rental and a couple more things

  12. I shop a lot more  more online. I avoid sales tax by shopping online + the modest shipping charges usually  more than offset what I would pay in gas & sales tax to drive to a store to  purchase the item.

    I  even get bulky heavy items delivered to my door for less than it would cost me to go out to a store and buy them.

    I guess you could say I've given up paying sales tax.

  13. I don't get this thing about people complaining so much about the price.

    I think we should change to alternative sources just because they are better, not cheaper.

    I am only paying $40 dollars more a month for gas than I was last year.  I don't think that is a lot considering what it is.

  14. Yes you are right...everyone will have to sooner or later give up something to compensate for rising gas prices. I have given up some things but also preparing in my mind what I will give up in the coming are a few changes I have made.

    1. Eating out...I have cut back dramatically, I am single, now I am cooking more meals, baking a lot of chicken and I am surprised how much money I am saving not eating out.

    2. Dating less, no more 70.00 night out for me no more, if I date it's the matinee baby, and lunch specials yee haw!!!!

    3. rentals of DVD Blockbuster wants 4.00 a movie ha! I am now getting back to visiting the public library (improve the mind I say) images will not longer be projected on a television screen, they will be produced in my mind where energy cost and rentals are free.

    4. ...if I go back to will be with netflix or blockbuster online 13.99 or 16.99 for 2 to 3 movies mailed to you at a time...not bad!!

    5. Budget, Budget, Budget....I lie because I break it every week (but one day I'll get it right).

    6. After college football season if my team Miami Hurricanes put in another weak effort, I am going to hang up the Cable.... actully got cable to watch the games a couple of years ago, thats when they start going down hill, I think I jinx em. even if they do good I think the cable gotta go anyhow, hopefully digital TV will be good enough to replace it.

    7. Instead of splurging on the malls, I know splurge at the neighborhood garage sells and Goodwill and Salvation army....hey I think this shirt will fit!!!  

    8. Mam did you remember to subtract the price of that coupon.

  15. Now that would be a sacrafice above all others, cut out

    two agents that can destroy your life or possibly kill other

    people. But then I digress, Selfish need predicated on the

    I:e, me syndrome will not let the common man, give up his

    or her quest for mobility. No matter what that gas cost, I

    will continue to waste it at alarming rates.

    When all they would have to do. Is stop driving the truck

    the car, for 36 hours a week. Within 3 months, Price per

    barrel would be down to 60 or less. Price at the pump

    would be down to 1.75 or less. And if we sustained this

    activity, you would break the backs of the fools that tried

    to ruin us as a country.

  16. First off my sister and I are disabled , for different reasons and therefore we have a unchanging income. We haven't had a vehicle since 2004 but have found we needed a vehicle for Dr.s appointments and errands. So we got a 1998 van in June for the right price . But I hate that the yearly insurance for it is more than what we paid for it . Just going to the bank and back was $20. in a taxi. So we cut back on things from doing dishes { now 6 -7 times a month } washing the laundry { now 2-3 times a month } and cut back on groceries. We had to get a phone because the apartment intercom works on the phone and we can't afford cable , just rabbit ears . We got the Internet on with the phone as it's our only entertainment and information source. So we have to be very sparing of our gas . Our parents are in their 80's and 70's and are also needing our attention and live 150 km's away { 92-93 miles }. In southern Ontario gas was $1.36 per ltr. at the beginning of the week.

  17. lottery tickets

  18. Making little shopping trips. I now save all my errands for one big trip.

  19. soda. gas is 5.00 here where i am. i gotta do

  20. I gave up the car. Now I walk, bike or take a bus or taxi.

  21. I haven't changed any of my spending habits.

  22. I have given up on the President & everyone else campaigning say they will help lower the price of gas! Well why would the politicians care as we the tax payers pay for their gas, as well as our gas!

    Is it election time yet????

  23. I have given up drinking, its easy to do. Smoking is kind of hard for me to quit right now, but if gas goes up any further, thats my next step.

    I've also given up driving to friends houses for visits who live further than 10 miles away.

    I also tend to eat out less, and pay my bills at once when I can and not make too many stops.

  24. I drive the speed limit or below. I accelerate very slowly and try to always coast to a stop and use my brakes as little as possible.  I “Hypermile” and that cuts my gas consumption enormously bring my gas bill down enough that it doesn’t effect me much.

    Follow this link to learn how to nearly double your gas mileage and cut your gas costs in almost half.  However, I never use the unsafe or illegal techniques, I actually drive safer.

  25. I was already driving one of the smallest cars on the road and getting superb gas mileage.

    I took my Lotus off the road and stored it. I can afford it and gas for it but, have decided not to afford gas for it. I have come to the conclusion that we should all avoid buying even a drop of gas whenever we can and that OPEC = a form of terrorism.

  26. I just wanted to let everyone know about this great site I found with lots of useful Gas saving tips and information. It is a free site, so no worries. Check it out and save some money like I did using the tips. Good luck!

  27. i have given up having fun, that means less parties and trips to the beach

  28. Saving for retirement

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