
What have you gotten from the PS store (ps3)?

by  |  earlier

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i have hot shots golf ratchet and clank topspin demos. i was just wondering what there is to get and what i should get.




  1. Mortal Kombat II & Warhawk

  2. A lot of demos. I'm constantly getting a new ones, delete an old ones. Got a couple of themes and trailers too.

  3. A crapload of demos and themes and videos, 1 episode of qore, and fLow for PSP.

  4. I got add-ons for Guitar Hero 3 and MGS4. You should get the Paystation Eye which has a much higher quality audio then the Eyetoy and then download Eyecreate.

  5. Crash Bandicoot 2

  6. I've gotten Mortal Kombat 2, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and Syphon Filter.

    As for movies/tv shows, I've bought an episode of Family guy, and I've rented The Thin Red Line.

    Game add-ons: The Call of Duty 4 map pack and the Rainbow six vegas 2 map pack (free).

  7. i have


    crash bandicoot 1 & 2 [ps1]

    syphon filter [ps1]

    spyro [ps1]

    i forgot the other ones though....

  8. I have...


    Motorstorm Demo

    MGS database

    All free Guitar Hero 3 track packs

    Virtuoso (whatever you spell it) track pack

    Dragonforce track pack

    Will get someday soon...

    Crash Bandicoot (PS1 downloadable game)

    Spyro the Dragon (PS1 downloadable game)

  9. it is bad i only have Ratchet and Clank and Bionic Commando

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