
What have you learned, or had confirmed, from the people on Y!A?

by  |  earlier

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I've learned heaps, both about human nature and about myself. One thing is, people are far more alike than they are different, no matter where they live.

I've also learned that many other people share my reactions and values. [This wasn't "bleedin obvious'' before in my real-world interactions.]

Please give details of what you've learned. (Please also TRY to be positive! ~ we all know about the meanness of trolls, etc.)




  1. I have learned the words never discuss politics or religion are spot on these subjects certainly bring out the worst in some people.

    I think we could also add sports to the list.

    Apart from that I have learned that it is a big wide world out there with some wonderful people in it.

  2. I've learned that people have far more in common than they are willing to admit.

    Even when someone is wrong they will fight you to the death.

    I've also learned that Y!A isn't a good sample of the thoughts and opinions of the general population.

  3. everybody is confused, few are direct, but there is compassion in most of the answers.

  4. I learned that all we need really is love

  5. Positively: That there are more people concerned with the world's problems than the mainstream media would have us believe.

    Negatively: That there are a lot of uniformed, opinionated simpletons running wild and successfully preaching their nonsense to other receptive simpletons.

  6. I've learned that George Orwell's book although published in 1948 lends itself quite well to Y!A and, specifically, to Science>GWS.


    *I've also learned that offering my apologies for apologizing may or may not be acceptable to feminists and moreover may or may not be construed as misogynistic and for this I deeply apologize, remorsefully.

    I've also learned that spelling and or syntactical errors are construed as misogynistic by their very nature and consitute and automatic determination that the author who makes a human error by engaging in such human error is clearly determined by the feminist mindset to be unenlightened or dim or unlearned and many assumptions about one's education/credentials can rightfully be made about another based on shear, reasonable spelling and/or syntactical errors.

  7. I learned that everyone thinks they are the master of the universe.

  8. I've learnt that there are many really smart, interesting feminist women in the world, and a few smart interesting feminist men too :-)

  9. What I've learned is that most people are just bumbling their way through this chaos that we call "Life" the best they know how; and that there are a lot fewer people who deliberately set out to hurt others than it would sometimes appear.

  10. I have learnt that most people appreciate an honest answer, even if it wasn't necessarily the answer they were hoping for.

  11. I agree with what you said !!!Very well put.

    It also reinforced my belief that kids of today face things differently than I did as a kid,still yet the same.Kids of today are not staying kids as long as they used to.

    Also,I'm seeing that too many of us Y/A's spend to much time indoors instead of getting out with real people(live interaction)me included.

  12. I found out that, sadly, there are people who think just like my discriminatory grandfather all over this world.

  13. I have learned contemporary english to some extent.

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