
What have you learned in life?

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What have you learned in life?




  1. it doesnt make any difference whether we speak or not---cinema paradiso

  2. well to be frank, nothing substantial.

    we all are experts when it comes to giving advice or suggestions to others but mostly amateurs when it comes to our own.

  3. never give up, if you want somehting go for it and dont stop till you get it

  4. As an orpan. I have learned:

    It is better to have loved and lost,

    Than to have been, "never" loved at all. <}:-{(

  5. I will remain ignorant

  6. I have learned that what I have learnt so far is zero compared to what I have yet to learn which is infinite

  7. To obey God.  

  8. to honor God

    Nothing is promised

    and there are only to things promised in life.....death and taxes=]

  9. Wealth isn't anywhere as important as freedom when it comes to happiness.  

  10. That I can literally NEVER stop learning.

  11. The only thing certain is death and taxes

  12. Dn't Get Tension.You Are a Best presion to solve Your Proble. So Be Cool And Do Any think Good thing

  13. You can't always get what you want, but you try sometimes and you might find you get what you need.

  14. It's YOU and the company you keep that determines whether your life reads as a good book with plot twists and surprises or is an episode on Jerry Springer!

  15. Avoid the s***heads.  Do not be ashamed of doing better or being better than one's contempories.  there is always someone better at some things than others.  

    We are taught not to use the "magic".  Celestrial friends can often put things together than we can alone. If we recognize them, we are given assignments to do that often involve helping others and sometimes being a blockade to the bad guys.

    It is better to have the courage to let one's light shine, than not to.

    De;pression is a parasitical beast and it has great powers to keep us from doing the things and thinking the things that will weaken us.  But, we have will power that can overpower it with personal force, even if it is just for minutes a day used to make other days better and us stronger against the beast.  

    We can be in two places at the same time.   Prayers can be answered and with a sense of humor.  One should recognize propaganda no matter what high office or personage it comes from.  

    I.e.  be able to tell the bears***  from the buckwheat.

    One's love life is important though it may be segmented.  Sometimes we meet the right person for that time.   enough for now.......

  16. 1.That worrying about things you can't change is the biggest waste of time.

    2. Not to put up with losers who are users.

    3. Not to waste your life sitting in front of the tv (Or computer for that mater)

  17. Most people don't really care about you.  You have to be your own best friend.   You have to like yourself because you are with you 24/7

    Do what is best for you, go with your heart not your head.  Trust in God and in yourself.  You can be happy if you choose to be.  Don't take things too seriously.  Tomorrow is another day.  Life life to the fullest today, you may not have a tomorrow,  

  18. Possibilities are endless if you set your mind to something.

    Babies' faces hold the purest form of hope you'll ever find.

    Love means different things to different people.

    Nobody wants to truly be alone.

    Patience is a virtue.

    Your body is your temple and should be worshiped.

    Goals aren't worth achieving if they're not worth the hard work to achieve them.

  19. be the best you can,do the best u can in whatever u do,never expecting for praise or appreciation.loved ones even parents some times show great partiality,learn to expect such blows in life,they do occur

  20. I have learned that life is a question and the answer is ahead of you just out of reach, but if one never stop trying to catch it one will continue. Life stops when you find the answer. May we always remain ignorant to the truth.

  21. That there is nothing final, ultimate or permanent in life..... it's all fluid all the time..... the constant flow of changes needs to be viewed as an evergreen source of opportunity and one must learn to positively flow along...... well, that also means that I can't claim I have already learned..... the process simply continues since there is no finality!!  

  22. That no matter what, never let those you love go away.  Never!  No matter what, who, how, etc...

    Fight for those you love with everything, even if it costs you everything.

    Because once they're gone, they're gone.

  23. Well, I have learned alot. One thing I feel is important that I learned is that you can't count on anyone but yourself. People will always let you down.

  24. Follow your heart, not your head.

    Only the intangibles are truly solid - love, relationships, peace. Oh, and chocolate.

    Don't panic!

    Be the best YOU you can.

    Don't sweat the small stuff.

    When talking to children, get down on your knees and talk to them as equals.

    When talking to adults, take a pinch of salt.

    When talking to politicians, wash your hands.

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