
What have you nicknamed your significant others genitalia?

by  |  earlier

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I know you all have nicknames and want to hear them. I call my significant others member his "donkey scepter." He refers to my private part as his "pleasure palace."

Funny and mean ones about current and ex's are okay too.

Let the name calling commence.




  1. shorty,thats what she calls mine

  2. i never named one, but my friend said his girl calls his mr. whiskers.... i don't get it though

  3. I actually use real scienticif names. Then I watch the reaction - it sorta freaks him out in a good way. Cause he's not used to referring to genitlia at all. Giving it a nickname just put a creepy idea in my head. I call the name and it come running my way. OMG.  

  4. Bush would you like a nice big worm in your bushes nice warm soil

  5. I've called them "Herman or Herman's Head, Meat Puppet, Rabbit Fu@#er, Big Red, Twizler (One of the not so blessed one), Cherio d**k, Bo Bo, Barney.   I have a lot more mean ones but hope you find some amusement out of these. Ha!

  6. lol it is only a matter of time before this question gets deleted. lol

  7. I'm not going to answer that.....none of ur d**n business.

  8. Yes I's name is Peter =)

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