
What have you noticed about this years election?

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I've noticed that there's a lot of hate coming from the conservative side. Now I know that its not ALL conservatives just some bad apples in the bunch..but I really wonder why so many are cowards and hide behind..."oh i'm not racist...but" line.

You see it your way and the rest of us will see it ours.

you are what you are.




  1. Republicans = hate = more wars

  2. If you've noticed "hate" coming from the Conservative side, then they must be learning it from Liberals, who like to throw pencils and paper at invited speakers at colleges. Like at Condoleeza Rice, Karl Rove, Jim Gilchrist/Minutemen Founder, and President, and the actions of Liberals at the Republican National Convention, who threatened to kidnap delegates of the Republican Party...Ma'am, Liberals are the ones against Freedom of Speech, I have noticed that during these elections now, more than ever before!

    Open your eyes, and ears, and you shall see, and hear!

    God Bless America, because the Liberals never will.

  3. More hatred than ever, even worst in the liberal party between the liberals candidates.

  4. I've been told I'm a racist simply for not voting for Hussein Obama bin Biden....but I think anyone who won't vote for McCain/Palin are sexist...only fair right??

    I'd vote for Michele Steele, JC Watts, Clarence Thomas, Lynn Swann...even know who they are??...or are they not even black Americans in your twisted little world??...but make your fists and stump your little feet and call me a mean ol racist if it makes you feel better....but McCain/Palin are going to the White House...get use to

  5. Definitely a lot of hatred. It makes me really turned off to the whole political process. I think I've watched this year's race more closely than ever in my life, and the hatred is overwhelming. Maybe it's always been there, but I didn't pay close enough attention to notice, but somehow I doubt it. It seems that the Republicans went on the defensive after the DNC and really let the sarcasm and snide-ities (not a word) fly during a lot of their speeches. A few that I really noticed going on the attack were Romney, Giuliani, Palin, and that r****d Lindsey Graham (a man, so no I'm not sexist :) ).

    I've pretty much made up my mind who I'll vote for at this point. After hearing the two sides, I think that Democrats were more willing to lay out their plan and not just take jabs at the other side. I guess it's true that if you don't have policies on issues, don't ever talk about them. I think I'm going to stop listening to them and keep my mind out of the filth that they are spreading.  

  6. Racism flows in many directions and not only in one direction as some believe.

    In my opinion, there are plenty of race baiters on the Democrat side.

    It is, what it is!

  7. ...I think if we are honest, we must admit we all have biases and prejudices of some type.  Hatred comes from many sides - but it is not groups, it is individuals who are at fault, born in sin and selfish at heart.


    ...Many accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of. Jesus said when you see a speck in someone else's eye, it is time to look at yourself and fix yourself.  Read the words of the Lord Jesus Christ from Matthew 7:1-6:


    ...1) Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemned yourselves.


    ...2) For just as you judge and criticize and condemn others, you will be judged and criticized and condemned, and in accordance with the measure you [use to] deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you.


    ...3) Why do you [a]stare from without at the [b]very small particle that is in your brother's eye but do not become aware of and consider the beam [c]of timber that is in your own eye?


    ...4) Or how can you say to your brother, Let me get the tiny particle out of your eye, when there is the beam [d]of timber in your own eye?


    ...5) You hypocrite, first get the beam of timber out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the tiny particle out of your brother's eye.


    ...I grew up and heard racial slurs in my house from time to time.  We have tried to raise our kids to be color-blind.  I am sorry for and ashamed of many things that happened to my brothers and sisters of different races than mine.  We work at loving all people.

    ...Racism rears its ugly head all too often, but I see signs of that we  are making progress, for example - I go to a church of many races - whites, blacks, hispanics, and others.  We have wonderful Christian friends from many different backgrounds.  We just installed a new senior pastor who is black, and he is a wonderful man of God - he is loved and respected by us.  In Christ we are free to love each other - we are brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, and racism melts away.

    ...I have many friends at work of different races, and really enjoy their company.

    ...I could vote for someone of another race.  Check a man's voting records, for his voting records is most important, because it is what the man stands for; his color is secondary.  I love Michael Steele (I wish he would run for President sometime), Clarence Thomas (the best man on the Supreme Court), Colin Powell, and Condoleeza Rice.  These are focused, godly people, and yes, they are Christians.  The person who asked the original question seems to be bothered that they are...I do not understand why.

    ...The Lord Jesus Christ empowers us put off racism, and put on a heart of love, acceptance, and forgiveness toward our fellow man, whatever his race.

    ...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved (Acts 16:31)

    ...And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.  (Revelation 20:17)

  8. The way I see it,  there is  unfortunate hate on both sides.  And your question,  "....not All conservatives just some bad apples in the bunch..but I really wonder why so many are cowards and hide behind.. "oh i'm not racist... but" are what you are."

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